July 31, 2015

Hulk - The World's Largest Pit Bull

What kind of Pit Bull is The Hulk?

I get asked this question daily while trying to debate with somebody or educate them. To be frank, I am tired of hearing and seeing about him. Some people say he's a "rare" Pit Bull. Some people say he's a mutt. Some people say he is a Mastiff mixed with Pit Bull. Some people say he just a Presa Canario. Some people just say a lot. I'm not one for small talk, so I'll just get to it.

Is The Hulk a Pit Bull or a mutt?

The Hulk is not a mutt. A mutt is a dog with unknown lineage. The Hulk's lineage IS known. Therefore, making a him a registered mixed breed dog. Most people think he's a Pit Bull (facepalm), whereas a lot think he's a Mastiff mixed with Pit Bull (facepalm). The Hulk is not a Pit Bull. I have searched through online pedigrees and have went back nearly 20 generations and have yet to find an American Pit Bull Terrier. After 20 generations of breeding, it is considered a new breed. In 20 generations, I have yet to find a Pit Bull in The Hulk's pedigree. Does that make him a new breed? No, of course not. It does however, no longer make him a Pit Bull. It doesn't even make him a watered down Pit Bull. 

Chopper, often called a Pit Bull by the uneducated, was a Mastiff/Bulldog mix AKA bandog. A bandog is a mixed breed dog used for working purposes. Chopper was registered as an APBT through the ADBA (American Dog Breeders Association) for weight pulling purposes only. A momentary lapse of judgement on their end, yes, but they did have their own rules towards the registration of him. Chopper was only meant to be registered to attend and compete at weight pulling events. He was not allowed to be bred and have his offspring registered as APBT. However, ADBA let the registration of his offspring slip through the cracks. Another momentary lapse, but this time, in common sense on their part. 

How can bloodlines tell what breed he is?

I won't lie and say I'm amazing with all different bloodlines with all Bull breeds. However, I will say many people who are good with bloodlines have seen known Presa Canario bloodlines in The Hulk's pedigree. You may ask how you can have Presa Canario bloodlines in a pedigree that is registered as APBT. It's easy. Hanging papers. Presa Canarios and other Mastiff type dogs have been bred into the bloodlines over the years to create the XL American Bully. 

Is The Hulk an American Bully?

He's leaning a lot closer to an American Bully than he is to an APBT. However, I would have to say no again. Not very many American Bullies are even American Bullies. Exotic and XL American Bullies are the furthest thing from the original vision of the breed. You can see tons of Pocket, Classic, and Standard American Bullies who all resemble one another. However, XL and Exotic Bullies all have a different look. My own personal opinion here, but I feel it is okay to have a few throwbacks throughout litters, but the rest of the dogs should all resemble one another. They should at least look like they can be in the same family. The Hulk has had 2 litters now. His current litter is too young for me to nitpick, but his previous litter is a few months shy of a year old. There is no consistency with the generations BEFORE or after The Hulk so far. Even the Hulk's litter mates all look different.

(The Hulk's litter-mate) High rear, underbite, weak chest, and overly spaced legs.

(The Hulk's son) High rear, weak chest, underbite, and weak back legs.

The Hulk's sister from a repeat breeding (same dam and sire). Again, NO CONSISTENCY!

(The Hulk's daughter) How high can that ass get? Why is her head so small?

(The Hulk's son) Awww his chest is always playing hide-n-go-seek. 

This is another Hulk brother. I mean, he looks like a Boxer! There is absolutely NO consistency with these dogs.

Again, consistency. Look closely at the differences in these dog's terrible structures. The faces do appear to be similar, but the shape and size of the head as well as body is completely inconsistent. The only thing consistent about these dogs are their inconsistency.

This is another picture of Gemma (Hulk's daughter).

Does this dog look oddly familiar to you? Why yes, it probably does. Seeing as this is Eddington's Wanna-be-Whopper AKA Hulk's Great X 4 grandfather. If I'm not mistaken, Hulk looks to be a thrown back of this Mastiff/Bulldog mix. Am I right? Or am I right?

How does calling The Hulk a Pit Bull hurt the breed?

How doesn't it? Refer back to my previous blog post about mislabeling and the dangers. With The Hulk, next time a Mastiff, Mastiff mix, or Mastiff type dog bites somebody, Pit Bulls will be blamed. Why? Because thanks to Marlon and the equally as dumb media, everybody will now think any dog over 100 pounds is a Pit Bull. There are nearly 20 breeds already misidentified as Pit Bulls, now he's just added another group of breeds to that list. THAT is why APBT owners and enthusiasts are so pissed about The Hulk being called a Pit Bull. The media already thinks anything with teeth is a Pit Bull. So how is Marlon mislabeling his registered mixed breed helping people to make positive views on Pit Bulls?

Why does DDK call him a Pit Bull?

Uhhhh they're assholes. No, really, it's to make a quick, but large buck. Would you rather buy a fat American Bully who doesn't fit breed standards for 10k or would you rather buy a rare XXXXXXL Pit Bull for 10k? He's a salesman. Not just anyone can be a reputable breeder, but nearly everyone can be a liar to sell something when they need them light bills paaaaid. Do you like money? Then you will lie your ass off if it's your job. And yes, puppy peddling is Marlon's job. 

Why do you and others hate The Hulk?

As a dog lover, I would never hate one. As a dog lover, I can dislike the breeders who have bred them that way. The Hulk is a sloppy dog. His jowls are droopy, his rear is high, he's fat, his chest is too wide-set, and he'll die a young age. Don't take it so personally. Large breed dogs do not live long lives. It's science. It's been proven dog after dog. It also doesn't help when the owner shoves artificial, man-made products down his throat in attempt to help gain "muscle" (he's really just fat).

What is your overall view of The Hulk and DDK?

I think The Hulk can be an amazing pet. I do not think he will ever be an amazing producer. Shelters are filled with mutts produced by back yard breeders. Although DDK's mixed breed puppies sell for thousands of dollars, somebody can just as easily go adopt a mutt from the shelter. By lining back yard breeders pockets with money, you are potentially the reason why a deserving back yard breeder's "productions" die in shelters daily. If you want a puppy similar to Hulk, research the different Mastiff type dogs and find a reputable breeder. I promise, your dog will turn out EXACTLY like Hulk has. Just make sure you overfeed him.

I have been duped in to spending thousands of dollars based off of what a breeder said about a certain dog. I was tricked into spending my hard-earned money on a dog to turn out completely different than it was said to. I don't like seeing other's duped by money-hungry assholes who use their dogs for financial gain. 

Take a Chihuahua and cross with a Yorkie/Min Pin mix.

The offspring will have a variety of looks. Some will look like Chihuahua mixes while other's will look purebred a Chi. Some will look like Yorkie mixes while other's will look like a purebred Yorkie. Some will look like Min Pin mixes while some will look like a purebred Min Pin.

Now, we will take the puppy who looks like a purebred Min Pin and breed it to a Yorkie. 

WHAT? Oh wow! All of the puppies look like they're a purebred Yorkie. How on earth could that have happened?

We're now lying to people and selling purebred Yorkies for a good price. Plus, we were able to find papers and hang their pedigree. GREAT! 

Now, somebody has taken the mutt with hung papers and bred it to another purebred Yorkie. OMG! They all came out looking like Yorkies except for ONE who looks like a Min Pin.

So we're happy now! This is a SPECIAL type of Yorkie. It's extremely rare. We have now bred this Yorkie and his offspring nearly 10 times and we have YET to produce a Min Pin looking Yorkie.

Why is this? Why can we not get this rare Yorkie? Well, it's SCIENCE! It was  fluke thing. It will never happen again. So we'll just continue to stud out the mutt who looks like a Min Pin but is labeled as a Yorkie. We will set his stud fee at $38,874,127 because, well, somebody will pay it.

BAM! There you have it guys! That's what DDK has done! If you didn't get it by now, Hulk is our Min Pin in this situation. He is the Min Pin looking Yorkie who will NEVER be reproduced. 

This will continue to go on for many generations if you keep breeding them to Yorkies. Even AFTER 20 generations, you may never have a "throwback" of a Min Pin. It is really that simple. Not only is it science, it's commonsense. 

That is exactly how not only DDK's dogs are, but the the majority of XL American Bullies. They have more throwbacks in a litter than they do consistency. You just cannot breed two mixed breed dogs together and create a consistent look. That is why people are paying thousands of dollars for DDK's puppies. They are promising a certain look of dog they CANNOT promise. NOBODY can promise!

My number one issue isn't only with DDK taking advantage of people. My main issue is with how DDK continuously mislabels their dogs. He has gained publicity over a false record. By mislabeling dogs, no matter the breed, false statistics will be created. There were already MILLIONS of people that thought Pit Bulls can be large, bulky dogs that can come in many colors, shapes, and sizes. Now DDK and the media have made EVEN MORE millions of people who will now think this way. Even the millions of people who don't think he is a "true" Pit Bull, still think he is mixed with a Pit Bull. He is NOT! He isn't a Pit Bull whatsoever. There is only ONE Pit Bull and that is the American Pit Bull Terrier.

By gaining all of the publicity, Marlon and his wife have the opportunity to educate people on WHAT a Pit Bull is and isn't. He KNOWS what a Pit Bull is. He has WORKED with actual American Pit Bull Terriers. However, he would rather line his own pockets with money than to help fight Breed Specific Legislation. THAT is my issue with him. If he wants to sell his mixed breed dogs for thousands of dollars, FINE! Do what makes you happy. Just STOP mislabeling them to sell them for WAY more than what they're worth!


  1. i feel so sorry for that dog. i know its been said before by a lot of others but he wont have a long life to live. what is even more sad is now every1 will think mastiffs are Pit Bulls too. thanks for the good blog again. ive read this at least 10 times since you posted it lol

    1. I figured this out the first time I saw Hulk. Those people make me sick.

    2. It's 2020 and hulkbis still alive and healthy. Whoever owns this page is a jealous loser lol. Omg so shallow

    3. The person who owns this page is pointing out the issues with mislabelling this dog and its offspring as pitbulls. Just because the people who own Hulk are ethically and morally wrong doesn't mean people won't fall for his bullshit.
      If their business is doing well that doesn't prove they aren't liars, it just proves that they are great salesmen.
      What they are doing is wrong it's that simple.

    4. He making a lot of money selling these hulk puppys as APBT that fraud how can he do that and get away with it and some stupid people are getting taken by this guy lieing about the type of dog he has really poor bread mix breeds

  2. I couldnt have written this better myself. Everything is so dead on. That dog will never out produce himself let alone REproduce himself.

    1. The kind words are very much appreciated. I hate that one cannot speak with facts without being a "hater". To hate something, I need to envy it first. There is nothing I envy about this dog. I may not be able to sell a puppy for 10k a piece, but I am financially set. So there is no jealously, insecurities, or animosity towards DDK. If he would have at least called his dog an American Bully, I wouldn't have given two shits. However, now everybody and their mama will think Pit Bulls look like Mastiffs. Yeah! Okay! Great way to "shatter misconceptions".

  3. Damn. Eye opening really. I agree with you on everything, except the conformation part. I mean, he's breeding "working dogs". Idk how much he's actually trying to replicate hulk. Rather than just playing off of "these are hulks puppies". Good thread. Thank you.

  4. great read.... i got a am bully from a shelter. he is 65 lbs and about 19 inches at the withers. he is a great dog and i couldn't imagine having a different dog then him. those who care about the breed, dont breed. adopt and save a dogs life.

  5. I knew he wasnt a pitbull. Ha. If anyone who follows the breed knows they dont grow that big. I had a pitbull and it grew pretty big like 85 pounds because he was home sleeping all day and eating well because i spoiled him while i worked 9 to 5 as a cop.

  6. I knew he wasnt a pitbull. Ha. If anyone who follows the breed knows they dont grow that big. I had a pitbull and it grew pretty big like 85 pounds because he was home sleeping all day and eating well because i spoiled him while i worked 9 to 5 as a cop.

    1. I wonder if you can tell me rather or not if me and my wife pit bull is full blooded he has a red nose and red paws I could send you a pic of it

    2. Nobody and I mean nobody can tell definitively what breeds a dog is. Only a DNA test can tell you.

  7. Thank you for addressing this subject. It is important to keep the true American Pit Bull Terrier breed as true as can be. Thanks to some individuals on social media, Pitbulls get a bad rapor.

  8. For me Marlon it's a businessman, he creat a Brand with DDK9s and it works. Obviously he's going to defend his product. The Hulk Looks so dummies and slowly. But I liked

  9. the reason why you are getting so many pheno types thrown from Hulks breeding is using the wrong mastiff and bully crosses. Veterinarian Carl Semencic did a bunch of crossings with mastiffs and bully type breeds during the 1970's and 1980's and he found that when breeding pitbulls and other bully type breeds with the neapolitan mastiff you will end up with a stable bandog that will breed consistently over generations.

  10. Great article hulk is a FALSEHOOD

  11. Thank you for posting this i thought i was alone in this world. I know how stressing it is to educate the misinformed especially when they cling on to the lie! Then again you can't argue with stupid lol. Thanks again and keep spreading the TRUTH!!!

  12. Great article. People will believe anything from a con artist. DDK has found his gold mine. One has to be very naive to believe his dogs are APBT. He said he calls them pit bulls, so everyone that wants to believe him will do and make him rich by paying his outrageous fee for what clearly is Not an APBT. He is living the American dream.

  13. So pretty much this blog is Pretty much telling all the backyard mix breeders that if they pick two different dog breeds and if the offspring turns out looking rare & bad ass. That the ddk will register the breed and sell them for big $$$$$. Well hell I had a full blooded register​ed american red nose pit bull. That weighed 174 pounds and live to be 12-13years old...

    1. Bullshit, whoever sold you that dog and got you papers lied. They do not grow that big under any circumstances so what ever kind of dog you had it wasn't a purebred pitbull. Consider yourself lucky if it did indeed live to be 13. I have a Euro Dane / English Mastiff mix at a year old she is 175lbs I would love for her to live a long life but it is most likely not the case and she will die before my now 9 and 3 year old pittbulls.

    2. You're an idiot if you think that your dog Was a pure pit and that big. Like an absolute fool.

    3. Yes, because that's exactly what was stated in the post, right? Can you even read? Your dog was a mutt. No Pit Bull would ever be 175 pounds. If that was the case, you'd be where Marlon is today. Just because your dog had a red nose doesn't make it an entire new breed.. being "american red nose pit bull" isn't a breed. Twat!

    4. Ha whoever sold you that lie is a con man like the clown from DDK. only a DNA test is conclusive. APBT NEVER get that big. Look at UKC or any other breed standards. You bought into a big fat lie

    5. P.s. ever hear of a paper hanger?

    6. You sound like a jealous hater you can sense the hate in your post your just mad nobody wants to buy your bullshit dogs so you just try and shit on someone else's business cause your's sucks

  14. Thank you for the post bro...I am not a Pitbul fan but I have learned a lot today .

  15. With the right training and care a pitbull can and to me hulk look like a pitbull also he maybe came from a strong bloodline like i said in the starting its how you look after your dog

    1. your a dumbass and dont know shit about Pitbulls if you think Hulk resembles one.....

  16. okay, so in the end what breed mix is this dog??

  17. Thanks for taking the time to discuss that, I feel strongly about this and so really like getting to know more on this kind of field. Do you mind updating your blog post with additional insight? It should be really useful for all of us. american bully

  18. Wow I came across this blog by accident trying to actually look up his bloodline or lineage because I had a debate about Hulk being a pitbull and me being a so called back yard breeder I told these people that Hulk couldn't of been a pitbull but a Mastiff of some sort but not a pitbull I've been breeding pitbulls for over 25 year's with many different bloodlines until I found what I like and what works best for me and I've never seen any of my dogs produce anything close to Hulk so with that being said I believe he hurting the true Pitbull Breeders by saying Hulk is a pitbull knowing he isn't just my opinion thanks for clarifying some things for a very good read

  19. I'm so sick of seeing all these breeders with XL put bulls. It's bullshit. They are just breeding mutts. This Bully breed that is now the craze, is also mutts. A true American Pit Bull Terrier does not get this large. Mine us on the heavy side at 70lbs, bit he also is okd and lays around most of the time. People need to quit spending all thus money on a mutt. They are killing the true American Pit Bull Terrier. If this keeps up, they will cease to exist. I would never even consider owning this dog or any of his puppies unless they were free to a good pet home. They should all be neutered or spayed and br done with this bullshit you want to call an APBT.

  20. You sound like a big-time hater to me I'm in the dog world to I know what's going on oh my God I won't even say the other word I do not feel sorry for the Hulk the Hulk is living the life and I would be glad to have a ddkline dog those dogs have incredibly great temperament sometimes the labeling is just something man gets caught up with especially when they're jealous

  21. Thank you so much for sharing such a nice post about Pit bull that is one of the most powerful and large dogs.

  22. Well Whatever the Bloodline of Hulk is he is not Pitbull .But does it matter. Dog is dog ! DDK is selling well trained dogs with obedience and attack(Defense) dogs when needed . I will agree if you bred these dogs they will have no consistency. See lot of DDK customers are rich people looking for obidient guard dogs with ominous looks ! I always had dogs in my life since I was born , never bred any of them . In opinion nothing beats a Top of the line German Shepards , the best intelligent dogs I ever had , true a German Shepherd won't be able to beat these dogs in Dog fights, but as a guard dog family dog and majestic looking dog nothing beats the German Shepard line . A top of the line German Shepard breed can cost you up to 15k . I am being a German Shepherd fan boy only becuabe these dogs just look majestic hell of a super protection dogs when need be and their inner intelligence way superior than these American bully ...

  23. Yall just hatting on them because their dog is healthy and strong and yalls aint just close yo mouth kuz i bet if u take one step in their property or house youll think different with a half eaten arm.

    1. what a stupid ghetto response learn english first

    2. 👏🏽👏🏽 Congratulations. You're the reason Bull breeds have a bad reputation. "just close yo mouth kuz i bet if u take one step in their property or house youll think different with a half eaten arm."

      Go work your dogs, Marlon 😉

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  25. Soon as I seen hulk I thirt french mastiff

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. me personally, I saw Hulk and my direct thinking is bull terrier or if everyone prefers the pitt-bull and the problem for everyone is that they want to differentiate the line kind attention one who has a black nose so it's an am-staff and the other is red nose so it's a pitt-bull and do not comfondre a German shepherd color classic? with that of white and other colors it is not the same dog and it is the difference between mastiff french mastiff english and a big bulldog also named american bulldog the nicks named old bulldog and a boxer from germany usa i like offices and people but differentiate the dogs for a color details, template and / or by its nickname of breed name, no

  28. Worth of my Time and money and that very impressive information that you have shared with us thanks alot
    Shillong Teer and I have found your blog in the google page

  29. very good and top level information there which i admire and wanted to connected with you
    Gazebo NZ and i was going to share it on my wall.

  30. Thank you. This post was very informative and made a lot of sense. I found this blog while googling 'what kind of dog breed is the Hulk'. It's obvious by looking at him that he's not a pure bread Pitbull. He looks part Mastiff to me.

  31. Here is the bull terrier and your stuff has two balls kind games stop, thank you, this text is almost for the last but not the last, thank you

  32. pitbulls are done after the late 90s they just vanished if your not a breeder whos family has passed it down to you then all dogs that are labled pit after the late 90s should be called bullshit unless your from a family of old breeders

    1. Thank you for this article. I'm somewhat educated on breeds of dogs and when Hulk showed up, it automatically clicked in my head, this dog can't be real. (Purebred). You just confirmed exactly what I was thinking..Thanks!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. fortunately I knew a serious system a breeder bull terrier who told me one day you'll all want to differentiate a bull terrier from another while even hulk belongs to the same dog as the bull terrier, crossing of a fucking terrier and a mastiff, hulk is a bull terrier so why they must absolutely differentiated

  34. Follow me on instagram at surreybullz located in uk with a xl female and a pocket male , slot of people in UK need to see more of this post as they import a dog of his descents and end up with rubbish dogs and a big name

  35. You all sound so hateful and judgmental like all you guys do is talk about peaple. Leave this man and his dog alone. They haven’t hurt anybody. There is no such thing as pure bread dog it’s just something say when want to talk highly of your breed. Show me a wild German Shepard or a wild Doberman-pincher. Frankly you all seem rotten to the core just cause you don’t like the guy so what he never did anything wrong to you. And if any of so called dog lovers had your dogs fixed you really shouldn’t talk at all you just took your pets god given right to reproduce. But you’ll sit on your high horse and look down on Peale who crop their dogs ears. Your just mad that he is more successful at it than any of you. I want to see a wild German shepherd. If not I want to see his blood line I pretty sure they were bread to look the way that they do. Come on people E.L.E! ! EVERY BODY LOVE EVERYBODY!!!

  36. U should really do more research about the history of dogs. Back in 1800’s there were no pure breads. It wasn’t until 1850, People started to standardize whats a dogs bloodline. Every breed of dog had had beginning, And has an extinct ancestor. And pitbulls aren’t a new breed. They have been around just as long as the German Shepard which was bread between 5 other shepherds to make a hybrid working dog, all around the same time the pitbull was being bread for sporting and war. The pitbull was bread for bull baiting that’s why they get there name. The pit is because of its jaw, and bull because of its bloodline being connected English bull dog. But let’s not forget the important thing all the mix breading of dogs bloodline started in the UK back in the 1500s. know your facts the pitbull is itself a mixed bread dog. There isn’t much difference between the amstaff and the pitbull. A lot of pitbulls now are more than likely bread with an amstaff and some sort of bull dog. All modern dogs today would be considered hybrid back in the 1800’s

    1. personally I am completely okay with you for the age of the bull terrier and also for these names that people like to give just to make people shudder and pseudo people in love with dogs are waiting to make money on the back of this poor beast doing litters on litters because the dog has a name that is catchy

    2. Dog lover k9 pal - you are so IGNORANT it's not even close to funny. Pure breed dogs have existed for hundreds of years, just to the 1800s. That just applies to American mongrel breeds like the pitbull which are recent "pure breeds".

  37. Well I would like to say this to you hulk is one very special and he is beautiful and if I to get a dog and end up seeing hulk then in my mind I would and I mean this if he was whit
    A lot of puppy justice has been
    On my side and if he was to be pay money for That was not to much or i would give some to help out but you got to understand that big or med to so call WHATEVER tipe of dog the dog is its all ABOUT the 🐕 not what breed he is or not I would tack hem i i did have a rednose put bull and yeah that tipe of breer dont last for long because that can get turner and it could be cancer in it and yes it hurt like hell
    And and that was last year I love the rednose pitbull and I love the American pit bull Terriers ..and American bully
    Dog or puppys I really real real love the dog's my dog was pitbull rednose and I do know and knowledge that he hade the best year's of his life we bonded so much that we where never a part he was whit me all the time and it doesn't have to be what tip the 🐕 is because if he was like hulk or like my buddy then what I wanted i END
    Up whit is what I want is what I would go for and end i hade a
    🐕 that wa so full of love and ful of life. To say this to you
    All please understand me this is me saying this who. Every thinks that pitbull's they are funny , beautiful , lovable and
    To me it's the person that macks the 🐕 mean if that person want it to be because people ARE the main REASON and the bade thing's that a PERSON
    Has dune to the breed it all their own doing because they are not so call and should NEVER have a dog in their life and they should be treated just like they treat the 🐕 them self and see if they like it because they are a person that should not have a dog my buddy on the last time I to see his see beautifully special EYES i well not in this LIFETIME well
    I for get because I made the HARDEST and it felt like hafe of me when whit the ways everything went down i could not let buddy stand their in so
    Much pain and that special dog and this is one thing I have no reason what so very to lie ABOUT this and I do MEAN this BUDDY he was one of a kind and he was so funny and one thing is he was so much of a smart ass and a bade ass and get this
    I have never in my life have seen a 🐕 that is truly a bade ass right to the line that special beautiful rednose pitbull that he was he know and he played it to just the way he was a real REAL bade ass and he
    Knowledge THAT he. Know that he could do it was like he was haveing fun and real reosn is he that if BUDDY want to get back at you then he really for real do it this dog i think he was thinking all the time and for me if I hade a chance to get one or both when the time came"s to get one or both one way or no matter what if. I put my mind to it i would no doubt i would tack both and I would treat them just like FAMELY and saying that no mater what their
    Was no way around what I hade to do so buddy I hade to put hem down and their was no choice about it his body was blowing up but I made the CHOICE that just about came close to just close to just because I put my buddy down and I just about end my life because i did not SEEING it the way I made a bond whit buddy so bade and IT seam to me like over 75%of me I don't fell my body because I know in my heart went whit buddy and my boy friend got me and that was it and I could have dune it if it was not for hem i would not be heir and then I could not be saying this to you all I mean it when I have a 🐕 that dog is
    Mine and is very thing to me have a great day and new year to al by JANE

  38. Thank you for who ever made this page. I would gladly say ddk is messing up the pitbull name , that dog (hulk) and a his other (ddk) dogs are far from a pitbull.. now I will admit he does (the breeder of ddk) great awesome technique of training his dogs .. but he is the biggest puppy peddler using the gamebred pitbull dog name to Make a quick $ ( federal reserve debit note)
    on them wall jumping curs,

  39. everyone criticizes Hulk because it is of a good size ok but its appearance and always the same and know that that can have cut the tail of a red nose of a few centimeters and not all the tail and it is necessary to stop to say that a Pitt Bull terrier is not an american staff because of your psychology red nose pitt black nose amstaff and in addition pittbull is only one of these nicknames just like the american staff ........ .when its original is just bull terrier is whether people like it or not

  40. Just found your blog for 1st time and loving it. Soooo happy someone finally had the balls to say what everyone is thinking about Marlon. I myself am a dog lover and can't atand how he portrays his dogs. Nowadays u can't even go to the local pound and adopt a dog , it bull like dogs, without paying $150-300. I blame people lime him because this breed type has been monetized so much that even the local pound wants to miss a chance to make money.

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  43. How's this, sports fans? In the 1800s dog fighting was popular among the coal miners. One big coal mining town was Staffordshire. The dog of choice at that time was the 'Bull and Terrier' also known as 'Half and Half. '
    Around 1835ish this breed was first registered as ' Staffordshire Bull Terrier" first by the Irish Kennel Club and then the English Kennel Club.
    As with a number of dog breeds, there were size restrictions on the purebred registered Staffordsire Bull Terrier with males allowed to weigh not more than 38 pounds.Fast forward a few years when UK people began coming to America's coal mines, bringing their fighting dogs with them. Pioneer lifestyle called for a bigger dog and their dogs began to be too big to be registered as Staffordshire Bull Terriers. In 1898, they were registered with the United Kennel Club under the name 'American (Pit) Bull Terrier '
    Remember, It's the same breed under two different names and two different registeries. In 1936, the same breed was registered with the American Kennel Club. They wanted to distance themselves from the reputation of pit fighting, and the term 'Pit Bull Terrier' so this same breed became known by the AKC as the ' American Staffordshire Terrier'
    So, at that point,we have three different registries, three different names
    for the same one breed. While this is a very athletic breed that performs well at weight pulling, Schutzhund and more, the main interest of the American Kennel Club is conformation shows. In short, the American Pit Bull Terrier ( APBT ) is bred for performance with little regard for conformation
    while the American Staffordshire Terrier( AmStaff) is bred for a particular conformation (for looks) So today, we may say that practically speaking , we now have two show breeds ( the Amstaff and the 'Staffy Bull' with the APBT being bred for performance, not for show.
    Back in the day, dog fighting was popular and well-tolerated with spectators including doctors, lawyers, cops etc. Dogs were matched according to weight, very strictly. If you're matched into me at 35 pounds, do NOT show up at 36
    pounds or you forfeit the fight....which is expensive. Dogs were matched pound for pound and they were typically thirty to forty pounds. The cut-off was fifty two pounds. At fifty two pounds and up combatants were given the designation of 'catch weight'. The pound for pound thing goes out the window and in a catch weight match, one dog might be a good bit bigger than the other, with no foul called. Dog fighting was highly structured. It's worth remembering that dog fighting became illegal in all fifty states as recently as 1976, so a lot of data is not that old.
    Now, Hulk...remember Hulk? we were talking about Hulk... is quite simply way too big to be called a Pit Bull. During a dog fight, the combatants are
    regularly snatched off their feet by their handlers many times during the fight. I can't think of any other breed that wouldn't bite under those circumstances.Smaller dogs were preferred....easier to snatch up and cheaper to feed, especially if you're breeding them and have twenty dogs on your yard. So many APBT are bred so big these days that the dog men laugh and call them 'Pet Bulls'. Pit fighting dogs, they are not.
    Hulk is at best a 'Pet Bull' and it's very unlikely that he would be competitive in a dog fight. Forty pound APBT's have destroyed Ban Dogs, Mastiffs, bullmastifs, (and whatever else) so consistently that the outcome
    between a good APBT and any non-APBT is rarely in doubt.
    Is Hulk a good Personal Defense dog? Sure, why not? I can name a number of breeds that are good Personal Defense dogs that are half Hulk's weight and a tenth of the price tag. Hulk is clearly too big to be a pure APBT and as has been said earlier, his lineage is known.
    Wow, I talk a lot, don't I? Hopefully some of you have learned something that you didn't already know ;) Stay Healthy!

    1. yes true but the standards in the Stafford British and the usa and the boston crossing of bull & trerrier (recognized bull terrier) and french which is by this crossing always 1 bull & terrier sweeps the red of the muzzle while his life is there for ages but life in unofficial, for clubs defending their dogs their systems is very regrettable and this for almost all breeds of dog which are recognized only half downrightly reject by the colors of the muzzle, the hair, and appearance to still be recognized as race nicknames and again

  44. First time I saw Hulk I was discussed! I though bulldog, presa Canarios, bull terrier! Not pitbull at all! I have a picture of my husband's grandparents with a "real" pitbull back during WWI! Now that was a pitbull and our boy was a pitbull

  45. the problem is that everyone is based on the 1st practice in the second war in bully dog terrier in usa but if the search is done in + far, websites emitted in all languages of + and + traces in bully and the second war is only 1 of the stages never the only one, in + some people have old photos in pittdog of + no kennel register has never registered since its creation dating from several centuries in official the bully dog terrier

  46. Does Anyone know how we can view Hulks Pedigree? And Thank you very much for the information.

  47. Also I have a question please don't laugh at me lol. What exactly does paper hanging mean? I'm pretty sure I know what you are saying but how is it possible to possess Legitimate paperwork without owning the actual dog?

  48. The part where you say hulk doesn't have mastiff but has Presa Canario is bloodline.didnt even do your own research right lmao what is a presa catnip ?by definition that is mastiff 🙄🙄 idiot alert.

  49. Failed to do your own research correctly doesn't have any mastiff in him day Theres presa carnario in his bloodline. Remind me what kinda dog that is? Mastiff lmao idiot sammich

    1. You’re clearly the idiot. Attempting to send the same comment twice and both sound stupid as hell. Not a single time in the entire post did it say Hulk was not a mastiff. It stated SEVERAL times he was a mastiff type dog. Dumb ass.
