April 20, 2015

How Much Do You Know About Pit Bulls?

          Major common misconceptions and stereotypes  

What is a "red nose" and "blue nose" pit? 

Nothing. There is nothing special about the color of the dog's nose. This was started by what reputable breeders and activists call back yard breeders. However, there is a strain by the name of "Old Family Red Nose". These dogs actually are often referred to as "Red Nose Pits". There are many bloodlines that produce red noses. Without proper pedigree and lineage, there is no way to know whether or not a dog is an OFRN (Old Family Red Nose). Some owners and dogmen are not fanciers of the OFRN strain. Some consider it to be a bloodline whereas others do not. It is often looked down on because others believe it was crossed with another breed and only created for looks. So, even if you DO have an OFRD dog, don't think all Pit Bull owners and dogmen will be accepting of it.

Are red pits more prone to aggression than blue pits?

No. The color of the dog does not define them. It is nothing more than genetics. The color is irrelevant to their temperament. It is no different than a human having blonde or brown hair. Of course we can crack blonde jokes all day long, but it's been easily proven to be a myth.

Are blue pits more popular than red pits?

To an uneducated owner or back yard breeder, yes. To a dogman, breed fancier, and actual APBT owner, no. Blue American Pit Bull Terriers were culled in the beginning stages of the breed's establishment. Breeders felt blue was a genetic defect. They believed the dog would be more prone to health problems. Blue Pit Bulls are not impossible to come by. However, they are rare! Your chances of winning the lottery are about the same as not only owning, but seeing a blue Pit Bull. There are breeders who have bred for more than 20 years and never had a dog produce any blues. I have yet to see a blue Pit Bull. If anything, I would consider the color to be extinct when it comes to the breed.

Are Pit Bulls aggressive with other pets? 

Yes. They were bred for dog on dog combat. They are more commonly aggressive with the same sex, but they do not discriminate. This does not mean they are human aggressive. They were bred to be handled by humans before, during, and after a fight. If a dog was found to be a "man biter", they were culled. It was too much of a liability to own and produce human aggressive dogs. Some dogs never turn "hot". In other words, some puppies do not show aggressive. However, the likelihood of a Pit Bull not turning hot is pretty slim.

Can I own multiple Pits?

Yes. You can own as many does as you would like. Should you own multiple Pit Bulls? Not unless you know proper confinement, have experience, and have them for a reason. Pit Bulls have a prey drive higher than any other breed. They will not get along with your cat, Mr. Snuggles. They will not get along with your dog, Mr. Peanut. American Pit Bull Terriers are more commonly bred for hunting and other working reasons. They are a dog that needs a purpose and plenty of exercise. In other words, you shouldn't go out searching for a Pit Bull because you want a couch ornament.

What are XL, XXL, XXXL Pit Bulls?

They are not Pit Bulls. Pit Bulls are between 35 and 60 pounds. The newly recognized breed, American Bully, has an XL class. XXL and XXXL are ploys to get unknowing buyers to spend more money on American Bullies. There is no such thing as an XL Pit Bull. There is only one Pit Bull. That is the American Pit Bull Terrier. 

Can you train aggression out of a Pit?

No. You can not train aggression out of any dog of any breed. It is not all in how you raise them. It is not all in how you train them. It is not all in how you love them. It is all in how you breed them. Genetics are the main role that play into a dog's health and temperament. If your dog is animal aggressive, you need to learn how to live with it on a day-to-day basis. If your dog is human aggressive, as sad as it is, it needs to be PTS (Put to Sleep). Contrary to popular belief, there is no situation that is 100% controlled with a dog that exhibits any signs of aggression. 

It is a complete and utter contradiction when owners an activist blame the owners when a fatality happens, yet, applaud them once they bounce back from abuse. 


Dog A was owned by the same family since the day he was born. He grows up and exhibits signs of aggression and mauls a child one day. Owners and activists blame it on how the owner treated, raised and trained, or lack thereof, the dog. 

In reality, the dog had love, food, proper training, exercise, and plenty human interaction. 

Dog B was rescued from a home where it was starved, beaten, and never socialized. He lives the rest of his long life out and never even so much as barks at a another living, breathing being. Owners and activist say it is because of their nature and how they are able to bounce back from any situation. 

So which is it? Is it how they are raised or how their true nature is? It is a complete and utter contradiction. To be an activist, you need to know and understand how genetics work.

How many breeds of Pit Bulls are there?

One. The American Pit Bull Terrier is the only breed that should be called a Pit Bull. 

Are there really 5.3 million Pit Bulls in the US?

No! That is actually an extremely funny statistic. There are 5.3 million mutts who share one or more characteristics with the American Pit Bull Terrier in the US. 

Can I find a Pit Bull in a shelter?

Yes. You may. You can find any dog of any breed in a shelter. The problem is, you will never actually know if your dog is said breed without it's lineage. If you would look into different sales sites (Bookoo, Craigslist etc.), Facebook sales groups, breeder websites etc., you will notice bloodlines. Bloodlines determine the difference between an American Pit Bull Terrier and an American Bully if it is registered. American Bullies are a newly recognized breed who are still registered as American Pit Bull Terriers. 

Finding a dog registered as APBT with the bloodlines to back it up is a lot more rare than one would think. Throughout my studies, I have found that I have yet to see but one APBT for sale online. Most dogs are labeled as Pit Bulls and are nothing more than shelter mutts or American Bullies. Just because your dog isn't a Pit Bull DOES NOT make it an American Bully either. Your dog will ALWAYS be considered a mutt without a pedigree.

What are Pit Bull bloodlines?

Red Boy, Jeep, Sorrells, Colby, Jocko, Eli, Hammonds, and Boudreaux are some the more common bloodlines. 

What are American Bully bloodlines?

Gotti, and Razor Edge are the foundation bloodlines for the breed. A couple of newer "jump offs" or strains are RocNRuby and Remy. Miagi and DAX are often confused as bloodlines, but they are just dogs. Just because a dog is popular or highly sought after does not make it a bloodline. Since the breed is still forming and new, there aren't near as many established bloodlines for bullies as there are Pit Bulls.

Is Gator Mouth a good bloodline?

Gator Mouth never was, is, or will be a bloodline. There have been plenty of Pit Bulls, even American Bullies, named Gator. There are a few Gators that were more popular than others, some even produced better than others, but none have been an established bloodline. Some say Gator Mouth is a bloodline because of a certain dog while others say it started because the underside of the dog's mouth looked like an alligator's mouth. Who the hell really knows where it started? All that matters is it isn't real!

What does a Pit Bull look like?

Hopefully for the most part, you've learned a little by now. American Bullies vary in size, shape, color, and appearance, as they have just gained recognition by reputable registries. However, American Pit Bull Terriers were being created in the 1800's. Therefore, they do not vary like that of the American Bully. Pit Bulls lean more towards the terrier side as far as weight. They are medium sized, very lean, yet muscular, dogs. Their heads are not large and blocky like that of the American Bully or shelter mutt. Their jaws protrude a tad wider than their muzzle, but are not overly large or massive. They have very pronounced chests, but they are not distinctively wide like that of the American Bully.

Most people will argue about the variations of the look of the Pit Bull. However, those people have not done their research as to what the breed actually is. It is only an opinion that Pit Bulls come in many different shapes and sizes. These are facts. The statement of different variations of Pit Bulls is indeed, incorrect. If your dog looks nothing like the picture below and it has papers, it is most likely an American Bully. For the people who have dogs that were either rescued or from a shelter, you have a Bull breed mix/mutt (BBM) not a Pit Bull or a Pit Bull type dog. There is no Pit Bull type dog. That was created by the government to make THEIR jobs easier.

American Pit Bull Terriers were not bred for looks. The majority of breeds are no longer bred for working purposes. They are bred for mainly looks, and looks only. Pit Bulls are STILL not bred for looks. Some breeders do prefer to breed for show and what some would call "pretty structure", however, most still breed for gameness. Breeding for work does not always require a dog to be pretty. Gameness is NOT another word used to describe fighting. Game bred dogs still have a high prey drive. They are usually bred to use as catch dogs (hunting... which is a sport) and often protecting farm land from wild predators. A game bred dog or a dog with gameness is NOT the same as a game dog.

Depending on the bloodline, there are various physical differences, however, they are still lean and muscular. Breeders and knowledgeable Pit Bull enthusiasts will often be able to pick out an APBT over a different Bull breed or a mix thereof. The reason the look of Pit Bulls can slightly vary are due to the breed originally being bred for gameness rather than looks. However, this doesn't mean that a Pit Bull can reach 100+ pounds without having another breed mixed in.

This dog is not underweight. He has a Terrier body with plenty of muscle. He is conditioned with weight training and agility and is in better health and condition that the majority of the human population. 

What is the point of this blog?

Awareness! I see too many dogs that end up on the news being called Pit Bulls. I have yet to see an actual American Pit Bull Terrier on the news for an attack or mauling. I have however, seen plenty of mutts end up on the news. Labrador Retriever mixes can fall into the category of a "pit bull type" dog. It's not only unfair to the breed itself, but also to undeserving breeds that get lumped all together because it's easier to deal with a generalization rather than an individual dog. 

This Lab-Husky mix would fall into the category of a "Pit Bull type" dog. This is just an example of what lumping together multiple pure bred as well as mixed breeds into one, based on a couple of similarities, does. Depending on WHERE this puppy ends up in life, can determine his fate of life and death. It isn't fair to actual Pit Bull owners,  Bull breed owners, the dog, the breed, or the breeds who have similar features and characteristics. Educate yourself before you try to fight for equal rights of all breeds.