July 31, 2015

Hulk - The World's Largest Pit Bull

What kind of Pit Bull is The Hulk?

I get asked this question daily while trying to debate with somebody or educate them. To be frank, I am tired of hearing and seeing about him. Some people say he's a "rare" Pit Bull. Some people say he's a mutt. Some people say he is a Mastiff mixed with Pit Bull. Some people say he just a Presa Canario. Some people just say a lot. I'm not one for small talk, so I'll just get to it.

Is The Hulk a Pit Bull or a mutt?

The Hulk is not a mutt. A mutt is a dog with unknown lineage. The Hulk's lineage IS known. Therefore, making a him a registered mixed breed dog. Most people think he's a Pit Bull (facepalm), whereas a lot think he's a Mastiff mixed with Pit Bull (facepalm). The Hulk is not a Pit Bull. I have searched through online pedigrees and have went back nearly 20 generations and have yet to find an American Pit Bull Terrier. After 20 generations of breeding, it is considered a new breed. In 20 generations, I have yet to find a Pit Bull in The Hulk's pedigree. Does that make him a new breed? No, of course not. It does however, no longer make him a Pit Bull. It doesn't even make him a watered down Pit Bull. 

Chopper, often called a Pit Bull by the uneducated, was a Mastiff/Bulldog mix AKA bandog. A bandog is a mixed breed dog used for working purposes. Chopper was registered as an APBT through the ADBA (American Dog Breeders Association) for weight pulling purposes only. A momentary lapse of judgement on their end, yes, but they did have their own rules towards the registration of him. Chopper was only meant to be registered to attend and compete at weight pulling events. He was not allowed to be bred and have his offspring registered as APBT. However, ADBA let the registration of his offspring slip through the cracks. Another momentary lapse, but this time, in common sense on their part. 

How can bloodlines tell what breed he is?

I won't lie and say I'm amazing with all different bloodlines with all Bull breeds. However, I will say many people who are good with bloodlines have seen known Presa Canario bloodlines in The Hulk's pedigree. You may ask how you can have Presa Canario bloodlines in a pedigree that is registered as APBT. It's easy. Hanging papers. Presa Canarios and other Mastiff type dogs have been bred into the bloodlines over the years to create the XL American Bully. 

Is The Hulk an American Bully?

He's leaning a lot closer to an American Bully than he is to an APBT. However, I would have to say no again. Not very many American Bullies are even American Bullies. Exotic and XL American Bullies are the furthest thing from the original vision of the breed. You can see tons of Pocket, Classic, and Standard American Bullies who all resemble one another. However, XL and Exotic Bullies all have a different look. My own personal opinion here, but I feel it is okay to have a few throwbacks throughout litters, but the rest of the dogs should all resemble one another. They should at least look like they can be in the same family. The Hulk has had 2 litters now. His current litter is too young for me to nitpick, but his previous litter is a few months shy of a year old. There is no consistency with the generations BEFORE or after The Hulk so far. Even the Hulk's litter mates all look different.

(The Hulk's litter-mate) High rear, underbite, weak chest, and overly spaced legs.

(The Hulk's son) High rear, weak chest, underbite, and weak back legs.

The Hulk's sister from a repeat breeding (same dam and sire). Again, NO CONSISTENCY!

(The Hulk's daughter) How high can that ass get? Why is her head so small?

(The Hulk's son) Awww his chest is always playing hide-n-go-seek. 

This is another Hulk brother. I mean, he looks like a Boxer! There is absolutely NO consistency with these dogs.

Again, consistency. Look closely at the differences in these dog's terrible structures. The faces do appear to be similar, but the shape and size of the head as well as body is completely inconsistent. The only thing consistent about these dogs are their inconsistency.

This is another picture of Gemma (Hulk's daughter).

Does this dog look oddly familiar to you? Why yes, it probably does. Seeing as this is Eddington's Wanna-be-Whopper AKA Hulk's Great X 4 grandfather. If I'm not mistaken, Hulk looks to be a thrown back of this Mastiff/Bulldog mix. Am I right? Or am I right?

How does calling The Hulk a Pit Bull hurt the breed?

How doesn't it? Refer back to my previous blog post about mislabeling and the dangers. With The Hulk, next time a Mastiff, Mastiff mix, or Mastiff type dog bites somebody, Pit Bulls will be blamed. Why? Because thanks to Marlon and the equally as dumb media, everybody will now think any dog over 100 pounds is a Pit Bull. There are nearly 20 breeds already misidentified as Pit Bulls, now he's just added another group of breeds to that list. THAT is why APBT owners and enthusiasts are so pissed about The Hulk being called a Pit Bull. The media already thinks anything with teeth is a Pit Bull. So how is Marlon mislabeling his registered mixed breed helping people to make positive views on Pit Bulls?

Why does DDK call him a Pit Bull?

Uhhhh they're assholes. No, really, it's to make a quick, but large buck. Would you rather buy a fat American Bully who doesn't fit breed standards for 10k or would you rather buy a rare XXXXXXL Pit Bull for 10k? He's a salesman. Not just anyone can be a reputable breeder, but nearly everyone can be a liar to sell something when they need them light bills paaaaid. Do you like money? Then you will lie your ass off if it's your job. And yes, puppy peddling is Marlon's job. 

Why do you and others hate The Hulk?

As a dog lover, I would never hate one. As a dog lover, I can dislike the breeders who have bred them that way. The Hulk is a sloppy dog. His jowls are droopy, his rear is high, he's fat, his chest is too wide-set, and he'll die a young age. Don't take it so personally. Large breed dogs do not live long lives. It's science. It's been proven dog after dog. It also doesn't help when the owner shoves artificial, man-made products down his throat in attempt to help gain "muscle" (he's really just fat).

What is your overall view of The Hulk and DDK?

I think The Hulk can be an amazing pet. I do not think he will ever be an amazing producer. Shelters are filled with mutts produced by back yard breeders. Although DDK's mixed breed puppies sell for thousands of dollars, somebody can just as easily go adopt a mutt from the shelter. By lining back yard breeders pockets with money, you are potentially the reason why a deserving back yard breeder's "productions" die in shelters daily. If you want a puppy similar to Hulk, research the different Mastiff type dogs and find a reputable breeder. I promise, your dog will turn out EXACTLY like Hulk has. Just make sure you overfeed him.

I have been duped in to spending thousands of dollars based off of what a breeder said about a certain dog. I was tricked into spending my hard-earned money on a dog to turn out completely different than it was said to. I don't like seeing other's duped by money-hungry assholes who use their dogs for financial gain. 

Take a Chihuahua and cross with a Yorkie/Min Pin mix.

The offspring will have a variety of looks. Some will look like Chihuahua mixes while other's will look purebred a Chi. Some will look like Yorkie mixes while other's will look like a purebred Yorkie. Some will look like Min Pin mixes while some will look like a purebred Min Pin.

Now, we will take the puppy who looks like a purebred Min Pin and breed it to a Yorkie. 

WHAT? Oh wow! All of the puppies look like they're a purebred Yorkie. How on earth could that have happened?

We're now lying to people and selling purebred Yorkies for a good price. Plus, we were able to find papers and hang their pedigree. GREAT! 

Now, somebody has taken the mutt with hung papers and bred it to another purebred Yorkie. OMG! They all came out looking like Yorkies except for ONE who looks like a Min Pin.

So we're happy now! This is a SPECIAL type of Yorkie. It's extremely rare. We have now bred this Yorkie and his offspring nearly 10 times and we have YET to produce a Min Pin looking Yorkie.

Why is this? Why can we not get this rare Yorkie? Well, it's SCIENCE! It was  fluke thing. It will never happen again. So we'll just continue to stud out the mutt who looks like a Min Pin but is labeled as a Yorkie. We will set his stud fee at $38,874,127 because, well, somebody will pay it.

BAM! There you have it guys! That's what DDK has done! If you didn't get it by now, Hulk is our Min Pin in this situation. He is the Min Pin looking Yorkie who will NEVER be reproduced. 

This will continue to go on for many generations if you keep breeding them to Yorkies. Even AFTER 20 generations, you may never have a "throwback" of a Min Pin. It is really that simple. Not only is it science, it's commonsense. 

That is exactly how not only DDK's dogs are, but the the majority of XL American Bullies. They have more throwbacks in a litter than they do consistency. You just cannot breed two mixed breed dogs together and create a consistent look. That is why people are paying thousands of dollars for DDK's puppies. They are promising a certain look of dog they CANNOT promise. NOBODY can promise!

My number one issue isn't only with DDK taking advantage of people. My main issue is with how DDK continuously mislabels their dogs. He has gained publicity over a false record. By mislabeling dogs, no matter the breed, false statistics will be created. There were already MILLIONS of people that thought Pit Bulls can be large, bulky dogs that can come in many colors, shapes, and sizes. Now DDK and the media have made EVEN MORE millions of people who will now think this way. Even the millions of people who don't think he is a "true" Pit Bull, still think he is mixed with a Pit Bull. He is NOT! He isn't a Pit Bull whatsoever. There is only ONE Pit Bull and that is the American Pit Bull Terrier.

By gaining all of the publicity, Marlon and his wife have the opportunity to educate people on WHAT a Pit Bull is and isn't. He KNOWS what a Pit Bull is. He has WORKED with actual American Pit Bull Terriers. However, he would rather line his own pockets with money than to help fight Breed Specific Legislation. THAT is my issue with him. If he wants to sell his mixed breed dogs for thousands of dollars, FINE! Do what makes you happy. Just STOP mislabeling them to sell them for WAY more than what they're worth!