September 07, 2015

Things Pit Bull Owners Say

HAAAA! Not really! It's what mutt owners say!

This is a real life conversation between a fellow Facebooker and myself. I can't even begin to tell you the uncountable amount of times I shook my head and peed my pants from laughing. I just, I can't! I just can't with these people! The ridiculousness is so ridiculous it's beyond ridiculous! 

*Disclaimer* Her grammar was horrid. I cleaned it up a lot.

Me: Blue nose Pit Bulls are not a real thing. It is a BYB term that became overly hyped in the 90's to peddle mutt puppies to make them seem more worthy of the price tag. Not to mention, I would probably beat you upside your head and steal your "blue Pit Blue" seeing as they are extremely rare. You won't find a Pit Bull in a shelter. You definitely won't find a blue Pit Bull in a shelter. That's great of you to rescue Bull breeds though! Keep rescuing and educating yourself as well as others. 

Her: What's a BYB? <Yes, that's really all she got out of that paragraph.>

Me: A BYB is abbreviated for backyard breeder.

Her: I rescued my dog from a fighter! He kept his dog at a location different from his home. So he wasn't bred in the backyard. So your point is moot (she actually said; mute). He is a purebread (note the bread) blue nose American Staffordshire Bull Pit Terrier. Pit Bulls are not Bull related, they are Terriers (she actually said terrors). They were a licensed kennel who bred a lot of dogs for bait and Pits (she actually said pitts) to fight. Brush up on your facts before you talk shit or own one! You're only adding to BSL (she actually; breed specified legality)

Me: If your definition of a BYB being that dogs are bred in the backyard, you need to educate yourself before you own any breed of dog. A BYB is one who breeds for no purpose other than to make money. A BYB is one who breeds dogs who have no documented lineage. A BYB is one who breeds mentally unstable dogs. A BYB is one who knows jack shit about the breed they are breeding. A BYB is one who does not perform any advised health tests for the breed in question. A BYB is one who does not prove their dog worthy of breeding. 

American Pit Bull Terriers were bred to fight. You don't have to teach them to fight. They are often conditioned to fight, but conditioning to conquer in the pit and training them to fight are nothing of the sorts. It is in their genetic make up to fight! You "rescued" your mutt from what is most likely a USDA licensed breeder who breeds many different breeds. I highly doubt anybody would breed dogs to use them as bait. Not a single notable dog fighter has ever documented using bait dogs. That was a myth meant to scare the uneducated and was started by the ASPCA.

Considering you think Brad and Anjelina had anything to do with creating a dog's life, I just don't know what to tell you! I can't help ya! Considering you think American Staffordshire Pit Terriers are a breed, I just don't know what to tell you! I can't help ya!

If you're interested in learning how to help rid BSL, which stands for Breed Specific Legislation, I'm more than willing to educate you. If you're not, and you're only interested in spewing false information that leads to dogs being killed, I suggest you have a nice day.

Her: You aren't making any sense. What does Brad Pitt and his wife have to do with anything? I reported the fighters and it was investigated. He lost all of his dogs because they were using them to fight. It is something that my town is well known for. My dog has papers from the vet stating he is an American Staffordshire Bull Pit Terrier. So what bitch? Now you're telling me the vet isn't educated? You are the reason we have BSL (she again actually said; breed specified legality). You make people think bad things about our dogs. For the last time, my dog is an American Staffordshire Bull Pit Terrier. My dog is the original breed of Pits (she again actually said; pitts).

Me: There is no such breed as American Staffordshire Bull Pit. There are American Pit Bull Terriers, American Staffordshire Terriers, Staffordshire Bull Terriers, and Bull Terriers. The only breed of Pit Bull is the Pit Bull. The only original Pit Bull is the Pit Bull. Other breeds were created by the Pit Bull. However, Bulldogs and terriers are what created the Pit Bull. Pit Bulls were bred for dog on dog combat. American Staffordshire Terriers were bred for shows and temperament towards other dogs and animals.

Would you happen to have a citation for an article in which states a dog fighting operation was invaded?

Her: Um, I'm not fighting for gun-control, so your point is moot (she again actually said; mute). I'm fighting for BSL (pretty sure she meant against)! Pit Bull is not a breed. It never was a breed. It was only used as a blanket term to group together dogs. YOU KNOW! LIKE LABS! It is so crazy that you think Pit Bulls were bred to fight. They were bred for hunting and farm work. After a few years of breeding they became protectors of small children. Like I said before, brush up on your facts because you talk shit! AND NO! The news didn't report on the bust.

Me: Labs are a recognized breed. Lab is short for Labrador Retriever, just as Pit Bull is short for American Pit Bull Terrier. American Pit Bull Terriers have been an established breed for well over a century. We're talking, a century and a half here. Retriever would be the group Labs are classified as. Just as Pit Bulls are classified as Terriers or one of the Bull breeds. It is the government who enacted the law in which a medium sized dog with a short coat and square head is classified as a Pit Bull. The government isn't savvy in dog breeds. It is people like you who chose to be sheep and follow this ridiculous propaganda.

I also find it highly unlikely there was absolutely no media coverage on a dog fighting operation bust. It would be public knowledge. I am pretty up to date with all DF sting operations. So why lie? Just admit you have made a mistake in the past by buying, not rescuing, not adopting, but buying a mutt from a backyard breeding, puppy mill who just so happened to licensed with the USDA?

Her: OMFG bitch! What does it matter? There is a lot of shit that doesn't get covered int he fucking news. JFC you are so immature. My dog is a fucking bluenose Pit (two t's). My dad bred them since I was a fucking baby. I would have to be really fucking stupid if I didn't know what a Pit Bull was. Nobody fucking cares what you think you know bitch! Bluenose gator mouth Pits (two t's) is what my dad bred since I was born. My dad fucking died. So now you're talking shit about my dad bitch. I don't fucking take that shit lightly bitch.

Me: Well, this is where I end this conversation. I only speak with people who have social skills and a basic education. Verbal abuse and expletives will only get you so far in life. Not to mention, you're not helping out any of the dogs who are victims of BSL by your logic and lack of knowledge. I hope and pray your dog never becomes a victim of BSL or another statistic. You're not stupid. The word stupid was not mentioned a single time during our conversation. You are a blind, uneducated sheep following and spewing ignorance. 

Before I end this completely, you are young. The age your dad first started breeding mutts was around the time when American Bullies were being created. So no, you're not stupid for not knowing what a Pit Bull is, you've just never properly been educated. I'm also pretty sure your dad was never mentioned by me. I really have no idea how your thought process works. I really don't. SMH! The day your life is disrupted by BSL, you can look back on this conversation and pray it isn't too late to make a change. 

Have a nice day. 


Mhm. You guessed it! She blocked me after sending me that heartfelt, inspirational message. I can honestly say, I have never had somebody care so much to be that honest with me. That was from the heart *tears*.

Girl BYE! I just can't deal with the ignorance. No, I didn't call the little bitch stupid, but Jesus H, she was a fucking idiot! 

SHEEPLE! Wake the fuck up! When somebody is wasting their breath, finger strength, or time on you, fucking take that shit and run with it. If you truly love what you think is a Pit Bull, then fucking learn how to rid BSL from all neighborhoods, towns, cities, counties, states, and countries! Wake the fuck up folks! This shit is getting worse by the fucking day!