August 28, 2015

Is a Pit Bull the Right Breed for Me?

Research! Once you do, you will just know.

I see so many people ask: "What breed should I start breeding?" "What breed would be best for my family?" "What "type" of Pit Bull would be best for my family?"

Obviously these aren't quotes from everyone, but they are in fact questions I've seen asked at least once. The question shouldn't be "Is a Pit Bull right for me?", but rather "Based of off (insert five facts of yourself or family here), which breed would best suit my lifestyle?"

For starters, there aren't any different types of Pit Bulls. The American Pit Bull Terrier is the only Pit Bull. Therefore, making it the only type of Pit Bull. 

All dogs are different. Just because you had a Bull breed type dog who never barked, was a couch potato, great with kids, loved attention, wasn't destructive etc. doesn't mean it was because he was a Bull breed type dog. Dogs are like any other animal. Of course there will be always be characteristics to every breed you should be aware of, but it doesn't mean every dog will follow those characteristics to a T.

APBTs, as well as all Bull breeds, are known for their animal aggression. If this is something you personally do not find appealing, then APBTs and other Bull breeds are not the type of dog for you. If you are responsible and you understand AA (animal aggression) is a possibility throughout a particular breed, you may proceed into doing more research. 

You should understand that no other dog is like that of the APBT. They weren't called the Gladiator of all dogs for no reason. They can and will do great damage given the opportunity. You must understand genetics cannot be trained out of any living being. Temperament is genetic. It is no educated guess or an inconclusive study. It has been proven time and time again that environment plays very little part into a dog's temperament. Just because a puppy or adult doesn't show signs of AA doesn't mean it never will. After all, they are dogs. 

Researching a breed before you buy doesn't just pertain to Pit Bulls. You should research any breed you plan on buying or even adopting. Ignorance of breed characteristics is the number one reason animals end up in shelters or re-homed. Herding breeds will want to herd. Will all of them want to? No. Those are dogs that lack their breed's characteristic drive. If you have a herding dog who is stuck in a house all day. The dog will most likely go absolutely nuts. They were bred for a job. Their instincts tell them they need to complete the job. However, with no other animals to tend to, a herding dog will just be an unhappy couch ornament. 

I've seen people post on all various forms of social media asking for help to find their lost working breed. What typically happened is, the dog had pent up energy. The dog needed to do what it was bred to do. Once the dog runs outside to go "potty", there will be no stopping it. No command will bring this dog back. The owners just hope and pray somebody is able to get a hold of the dog before it gets injured or killed while it is on it's own. This would be an example of owning a breed without researching it. If the owners would have done their research, they would understand these are high-energy dogs who were bred for a purpose. That purpose wasn't sitting in the house all day.

The majority of dogs end up in shelters because owners do not research not only the breed, but dog's needs in general before they buy. They aren't a house you're renting. They aren't a car you're leasing. You cannot go out and rent another dog like you can a house. You cannot go out and trade in your dog like you can a car. 

Just like every commitment in life, there will be ups and downs. You need all new tires on your vehicle. Shit! It sucks, but you're going to figure out a way to come up with the money needed to fix the problem. Are you not? You will! Your dog comes down with severe hip and elbow dysplasia. Shit! It sucks, for the dog! This time you don't feel coming up with the money is a priority. So what do you do? You surrender them to a shelter or rescue where they are now forced to provide treatment or euthanize the dog. 

This also could have been avoided had you researched the breed. Certain breeds are more prone to certain health issues than others. If you buy a breed who is prone to hip or elbow dysplasia, it is up to you to know this. The dog undergoing euthanasia in that high kill shelter you surrendered him to could have been taken care of by another buyer who knows this is a possibility. 

Basically, if you have to ask if a certain breed of dog is a right fit for you or your family, you need to do more research.

You do not need to be completely savvy when it comes to the breed. You should however, have a basic understanding and knowledge of that particular breed as well as dogs in general. You should start by asking yourself, "What's my activity level like?". If you're a homebody and don't do much exercise, start by finding breeds with extremely low energy and little to no drive. If you're an upbeat person who is always out and about looking for the next adventure; exercise, running, hiking etc. search for higher energy breeds.

Once you have narrowed down characteristics of all of the different dog breeds, start going to dog shows in your area. If you cannot travel to dogs shows in your area, look for reputable breeders online. You can join Facebook groups or different boards throughout the internet to find knowledgeable breeders and owners. Pick their brains. Search for specific threads that answer questions you may have been questioning yourself. 

Buying a dog shouldn't be a quick, hasty decision. Don't go out and get the first puppy you see because you promised your kids one. If you're adopting from a shelter or rescue, see if you can do a trial adoption. Most shelters and rescues give you the opportunity to see if the dog will work well with other dogs, cats, animals, adjust to your lifestyle and adjust to your family. They typically last 3-7 days. Some shelters allow up to a month in certain cases where a dog has been returned at least once after a trial adoption.

Research, guidance, and knowledge are what fuels our world. This shouldn't be limited to just jobs and careers. Knowledge runs every aspect of any situation you may have to deal with in life. Dogs are one of them. Animals in general are one them.

Do your research! Ask around! Don't be afraid to ask random strangers who are walking their dog in public questions you have been yearning to know. Be vocal. Be understanding. Most of all, be patient. This isn't an overnight process. This is a lifetime commitment. 

I hope this has helped you to know and understand why picking a dog who best suits your lifestyle and family based off of your needs is so important. 

August 26, 2015

Different Types of Pit Bulls

There are no types of Pit Bulls. Either you have one, or you don't.

I've said it before, and I will say it again, and again, and again. Pit Bull should not be used as a blanket term. The government created the classification of "Pit Bulls" to make their jobs easier when dealing with bites and statistics. They chose to tell the world there are many types of "Pit Bulls" because they are too lazy to get off of their asses and fix the problems at hand. That is the truth of why Pit Bull became a blanket term for many different breeds and their mixes. 

If you support ASPCA, stop. Stop citing the ASPCA blog. Nobody caaaares! ASPCA is tied up right along with the government in the ignorance. ASPCA works with the government to put fear into people. They want you to fear the bait dog myth. They want you to fear overpopulation

American Pit Bull Terriers are the only type of Pit Bull. They are the only breed with the words "Pit" and "Bull" both together in the their name. There is no Bully Pit. There is no Bulldog Pit. There is no Staffordshire Pit. There is no Pit Bull Terrier. There is only the American PIT BULL Terrier. 

Rescues and shelters alike are the worst sources when it comes to fueling BSL. They spew nothing but ignorance and misinformation. I have seen shelters list thousands of mutts as "full blooded Rednose Pit Bulls." First of all, all dogs are full blooded. All animals are full blooded. The proper term is purebred. According to the DICTIONARY, dogs are considered mongrels when the breed is unknown. The nicer term of mongrel is mutt. A mongrel, or mutt, is a dog of an unknown breed due to lacking documented lineage. Shelters and rescues refuse to learn to truth because they want to scare uneducated people into spaying and neutering their pets, even if they're purebred. 

It is a scary, scary world for a dog. It is especially scary for a dog of the Bull breed family. The list of Bull breeds, Terrier breeds, and Molosser breeds who can be classified as Pit Bulls is not only disheartening, but it is sickening. Why is it sickening? Well, purebred, as well as mixed breeds from any of those types can suffer from BSL. The families who own them as well as the dog in question can suffer with great consequences because of the lack of knowledge owners have when it comes to fighting BSL.

I'll name a few breeds and their mixes with pictures to go along so you can see just how bad mislabeling can be. If you own any of these breeds or mixes and don't think anything can happen to you because you don't call them Pit Bulls, you have got to stop being so naive. The government doesn't care if your dog isn't an actual Pit Bull. As long as your dog shares a couple of physical characteristics with one, they will be a victim of BSL. 

This dog is a beautiful Dogo Argentino. Even though we know this dog isn't a Pit Bull, the government will still euthanize this dog if it ends up in the wrong place. Even though we know this dog isn't a Pit Bull, the government will still classify it as one if it were to bite, maul, or kill anybody or anything. As a purebred Dogo or mixed Dogo, they can and will be victims of BSL in the places it effects.

This dog is a beautiful Bullmastiff. Although it looks nothing like a Pit Bull, he can and will still fall into the category as a "Pit Bull" or "Pit Bull type" dog. As a purebred Bullmastiff or a mixed Bullmastiff, their bite statistics will fall under the "Pit Bull" category.

Here we have a beautiful American Bulldog. Just as the other dogs, he can and will also fall into the category of a "Pit Bull" or "Pit Bull type" dog.

This is a beautiful Presa Canario. Just as the other aforementioned dogs, he would also be classified as a Pit Bull. A purebred Presa Canario and a mixed Presa Canario will have all of the same statistics and stigma of the other breeds who fall into the category of "Pit Bulls" or "Pit Bull type" dogs.

Here is an American Bully. He can also be a victim of BSL. American Bullies are the number one most common mislabeled dogs. They are labeled as Pit Bulls by uneducated owners, breeders, and activist. American Bullies were originally a cross between the Am Staff and the APBT. Throughout the decades, multiple Bull breeds were introduced into the mixing to create the breed. 

This is an American Staffordshire Terrier. The Am Staff was the breed most commonly mislabeled as Pit Bulls because of their origins. However, shelters and rescues have been gradually taking away to term Pit Bull over the years and started calling all of their dogs Am Staffs or Am Staff mixes. Again, this dog is not a Pit Bull, but he will fall into the category of one.

Here is a Staffordshire Bull Terrier. This is another breed that BSL targets. Am Staffs, APBTs, Staffies, and their mixes are the first three breeds listed under "Pit Bull type" dogs. Again, this dog is not a Pit Bull. He should not be called one. 

This is a Dogue de Bordeaux. Even though this dog looks absolutely nothing like a Pit Bull, he can still fall into the category.

This is a Rottweiler/Lab mix. Although this dog looks nothing like a Pit Bull, he would either fall into the Rottweiler category, or a Rott/Pit mix category. In turn, BSL will still effect him no matter which breed he is listed as.

This is a Bandog. They are mixed between Mastiff type dogs and various other breeds. They are bred solely for work. They are typically bred for hunting or other forms of work. Chopper, Hulk's great great great great great grandsire, was a bandog. He was a Mastiff/Bulldog cross. BAM!

Believe it or not, Boxers and their mixes are mislabeled as Pit Bulls all of the time. I have witnessed, with my own eyes, a woman in my community was freaking out, making a big deal over, and threatening to shoot somebody's loose "Pit Bull". Yeah, turned out the dog was an AKC Champion who just so happened to be a BOXER.

This is a Bull Terrier. Yes, I know. How crazy is it that this funny looking dog gets called a Pit Bull? Again, just as the dogs before, this dog looks absolutely nothing like a Pit Bull.

This mutt was labeled as a purebred American Staffordshire Terrier. Uhhh, I don't know about you, but I don't think a single Bull breed even went in to making this dog. THIS is why calling anything with four legs and a tail a Pit Bull is wrong. Am Staffs still fall into the category of Pit Bulls. This dog is merely a mutt. She may be a Heeler mix, she may not be. However, we all know she is not an Am Staff. A poor, innocent mutt can be killed because it was mislabeled. 

This is an Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog. Just as the rest, this dog falls into the category of being a "Pit Bull type" dog.

This is a Mastiff/Great Dane/Bulldog mix. He would also be considered a bandog. However, he is still also considered to be a "Pit Bull type" dog.

This is a Bully Kutta. They are commonly another type of fighting dog in other countries. However, as you can see, they share a few characteristics with "Pit Bull type" dogs.

This is a Boston Terrier mix. He ALSO shares characteristics with that of the "Pit Bull type" dogs. A BOSTON TERRIER!!! Like, yup!

Hopefully I have gotten my point across. So many dogs of so many different breeds and so many different mixes, can be considered "Pit Bulls" because they governments laws. Pit Bulls don't come in 2,456,178,987,322,145,966,417,784,112,145,001,102,901,990 different shapes, sizes, and colors.They are a purebred dog. 

PIT BULL is a breed. PIT BULL is not a type of dog. Retrievers are types of dogs. Terriers are types of dogs. Bull breed are types of dogs. Pointers are types of dogs. Shepherds are types of dogs. Collies are types of dogs. Herding dogs are types of dogs. Sheepdogs are types of dogs. Corgis are types of dogs. Do you get my point? Do you understand it now? Pit Bull is an established breed. So stop calling all medium sized dogs with short hair a Pit Bull. You wouldn't call a Golden Retriever a Labrador. You would classify them as RETRIEVERS.

August 24, 2015

Backyard Breeder VS Reputable Breeder

In other words... What DOESN'T make on a BYB?

Throughout your life here on earth I'm sure you've came across people who are TOO literal. Well, according to those people, the term "BYB" is taken VERY literally. To be a BYB doesn't mean one breeds dogs in the back yard. More often than not, a breeder has their dogs mate in the back yard. I mean, you wouldn't want to breed in the front or side yard and catch an indecent exposure case.

A BYB isn't as simple as it once was. According to various sites and search engines, a backyard breeder was merely one who bred dogs or horses without registration papers. While doing so, they often inbred for no substantial gain towards the breed's standards. However, in today's world, to be reputable breeder, or in other words, not a BYB, a lot more than registration papers come into play.

A backyard breeder is a breeder who will breed any and every dog they have available. It doesn't matter if the dog lacks breed type or isn't physically or mentally healthy. The only thing they care about is if the dog can or cannot reproduce. This is how we end up with our shelter mutts. All dogs (not just Bull breeds) are considered to be a mutt if they do not have documented proof of lineage. 

The picture below is a comparison to help you to determine the differences between all types of breeders. Backyard breeder, puppy mill breeder and commercial breeders are ALL in the same category. Puppy mill breeders and commercial breeders are just mass BYBs. A hobby breeder CAN fall into the category of a BYB. Just because somebody claims to be a hobby breeder doesn't mean they are breeding by ethics. However, hobby breeders TYPICALLY offer more to the breed than the others. 

Commercial and puppy mill breeders puppies can be found in pet shops, super markets, shops who primarily sell many breeds of puppies etc. Reputable breeders and hobby breeders typically sell to friends, family, or recommended friend's of friends and friend's of family. If they DO sell outside of those people, they will conduct checks for living conditions, sometimes often require a valid ID, a lengthy contract, mandatory visits/updates, references etc. They hold their productions very near and dear to their hearts. 

Have you followed all of these ethics? If not, do not breed your dogs until you do. Remember, the first start of being a backyard breeder is to breed dogs who are not papered. That's all it takes to slip into this category. Unregistered dogs are 8/10 times more likely to end up in a shelter than registered dogs. It doesn't matter how much you love your dogs, you don't love them all if you're willing to keep breeding undocumented dogs who will only add to the overpopulation of shelters. 

That is all!

August 23, 2015

What Do You Call Your "Pibble" ?


PM = People Magazine
WD = Webster's Dictionary 
UD = Urban Dictionary
CK= Common Knowledge

Pitbull - a famous rapper (PM)

Pittbull, Pitt bull, Pitt - a member of the Branjelina family (PM)

Pit - a large hole in the ground; an area enclosed or reserved for a specific activity; a hallow or indentation in the surface of; to set someone or something in conflict or competition with (WD)

Pity - the feeling of sorrow or compassion caused by the suffering or misfortune of others; a cause of regret or disappointment (WD)

Pitty - a breast that lies into the armpit while lying down (UB)

Pibble - dialect variant of pebble MEANING pibble = pebble in other languages (WD)

Pibbly Wibbly - a pebble that moves unsteadily from side to side (WD) * two definitions merged into one *

Pit Bull - shortened from the American Pit Bull Terrier - a purebred dog (CK)

American Pit Bull Terrier - Pit Bull - a purebred dog (CK)

pit bull - a proper noun that SHOULD be capitalized - American Pit Bull Terrier - a purebred dog (CK)

american pit bull terrier - a proper noun that SHOULD be capitalized - Pit Bull - a purebred dog (CK)

APBT - American Pit Bull Terrier - Pit Bull - a purebred dog (CK)

apbt - American Pit Bull Terrier - Pit Bull - a proper noun that SHOULD be capitalized - a purebred dog (CK)

There you have it! Now you know what you've been calling your dog all along. The proper usage of the breed Pit Bull is Pit Bull, American Pit Bull Terrier, and APBT. However, as you should know by now, if your dog doesn't have papers, it's not a Pit Bull. APBT owners CRINGE every time they hear the incorrect aforementioned "nicknames" being used. So, uh, just stop doing it. Kay? Kay!

August 20, 2015

Breeding a Dog Once Before You Fix It


It has been absolutely unreal when it comes to the amount of owners who want to breed their dog once before they're fixed so they can have one of their "children". I just don't get it. It is the single most selfish thing you can want when it comes to being a dog owner. If a dog is not registered, it is a mutt. WE DO NOT BREED MUTTS. WE BREED TO BETTER A BREED. A MUTT IS NOT A BREED. SO WHY BREED MORE MUTTS?

I see it every day on Facebook and other sales sites. People want to breed their mutts because they think they are Pit Bulls and want a puppy who either looks just like their dog or a puppy who acts just like their dog. Well, HELLUR folks. There are millions of dogs and puppies in shelters and rescues. You're telling me out of ALLLLLLLLLL the shelters and rescues, you cannot find a puppy who looks similar to your dog? Especially if your dog is a BBM. I mean hell, they're all labeled as Pit Bulls because they share a few characteristics with one another. So why not just go to a shelter and adopt a mutt who also shares characteristics with the mutt you already have.

Let us break it down. BBMs tend to have large litters. We'll say an average of 10. You stud out your mutt because you want a "father-son duo" (which is dumb by the way). You find an equally as irresponsible BYB who you've made an agreement with. You are going to keep 1 male out of the litter - your pick. 

Fast forward 2 months, the puppies are here. Just as expected, your big man has helped to produce 10 perfectly healthy puppies... for now. You are definitely keeping the male you picked. So we know for sure 1/10 puppies will live a good life with one owner. 

The owner to the dam was able to keep 1 puppy because just as you wanted, she also wanted a duo, but rather a "mother-daughter duo" (which is also dumb). So we now have 2/10 puppies who will have forever homes.

An average statistic conducted by myself (I have been employed by 2 shelters and still regularly volunteer) shows that no matter how hard you try to find good homes, 7/8 of those puppies will be re-homed within the first year of being alive. Bringing our total to 3 forever homes. 

1/7 of those puppies will find their forever homes because they are equally as amazing as their parents and they have gotten lucky to find owners who see them as a lifetime commitment. Bringing our total to 4 forever homes.

1/6 of those puppies will find their way to an abusive home, being left to eventually die due to neglect and/or injuries. Keeping our total at 4 forever homes and one dead puppy.

4/5 of those puppies will be re-homed at least one more time due to behavior problems caused by faulty breeding due to the unknown history of their ancestors. We now have 5 forever homes and 1 dead puppy.

1/4 of those puppies will be surrendered to the shelter because they have to move and their new landlord does not allow pets. Eventually, the puppy has been PTS (put to sleep) because they need to make room for new dogs and puppies coming in. We now have 5 forever homes and 2 dead puppies.

1/3 of those puppies will fall ill due to a genetic disease. One of which could have been avoided by not breeding because having a lineage could have showed proof of the genetic disease existing. So we now have 5 forever homes and 3 dead puppies.

1/2 of those puppies will find their way to live outside with little to no human interaction for the rest of it's life. We now have 6 forever homes and 3 dead puppies. 

The last puppy will find it's way to a no kill shelter waiting to be fostered or adopted. Sadly, the puppy has now turned 11 years old without a single person interested in adopting. He is known as the shelter "Pit Bull" that everyone loves, but no one wants because he didn't come into the shelter while he was in his cute puppy stage. We now have 6 forever homes, 3 dead puppies, and 1 who will soon die of old age in the shelter.

So, breaking it down a little further. You two irresponsible BYBs have kept your 2 puppies. They live a good, happy life. One of your buyer's also kept the puppy giving it a good, happy life. 7 of the puppies were re-homed at least once. However, only 2 of them were able to have a good, happy life. One of them has lived a crappy life because they have no one to show them love and attention every day, or rather any day. One died due to you irresponsibly breeding puppies with genetic diseases. One puppy died in a shelter. One puppy lived the rest of his life in a 5X5 kennel. One puppy was abused to death. And you you have no clue any of this has went on. Feel shitty now? YOU SHOULD!

This is what happens because you only want ONE puppy from your male or female. This is the harsh reality. Not to mention, this will happen again. At least half of those puppies will have litters themselves. Then the cycle will continue. Be happy with your dog you have now. There is no reason to keep breeding dogs when you can just as easily find the mutt you're looking for in a shelter. That's all there is to it.

Leave the breeding to the "professionals".

If only papered dogs were bred, that would take care of at least 70% of shelters overpopulation problem. If dogs were ONLY bred by reputable breeders who follow breeding ethics to a T, that would take care of 100% of the population. Reputable breeders have contracts. They stay in touch with ALL of the puppies new owner's throughout the rest of their lives. They KNOW what happens with their puppies. They take the time to meet you in person. They want to know your address. They want references. They want your number, your S/O's number, your email, your physical address etc. They will do whatever it takes to ensure their puppy is going to a good home. If you aren't willing to cooperate with said breeder, they will not sell to you.

Don't want to pay the prices a reputable breeder has set for their puppies? Save your money! Do you still find the prices to be ridiculous? Go adopt a dog from the shelter. Can you AFFORD to buy the puppy? If not, don't get one period. Dog's aren't cheap. You need to figure their expense off of a 15 year commitment. For one dog, a lifetime supply of dog food costs an average of $8,100. That doesn't include toys, bones, carpets replaced, drywall replaced, shots, random vet checkups and emergencies. If you can't see yourself spending between 800-$1,500 on a well bred dog from a reputable breeder, you shouldn't be able to see yourself spending $8,100 on dog food. 

There you have. Agree. Disagree. I don't care. Just know, whether you agree or not, I'M RIGHT!

August 13, 2015

Things TRUE Pit Bull Owners NEED You to Stop Saying

You're only hurting the breed by saying these MYTHS!!!

Pit Bulls were once called nanny dogs!

No, they weren't. Until a dog can cook dinner, scrub a toilet, change a diaper, give a bath, rock a baby to sleep, and do things HUMANS do, no dog will EVER be a nanny dog. The nanny dog myth was connected to the Staffordshire Bull Terrier by breeders to get the negative stigma away from them being pit dogs. There is not a single dog in history that has ever interviewed to be a live in babysitter. Point blank! That's all there is to it. It was a LIE!!!!!!!

Pit Bull is a group of dogs!

No, there is only one Pit Bull, the American Pit Bull Terrier. No other breed has the words "Pit" and "Bull" used together in it. So a Bull Terrier can not be a Pit Bull. It can be a Bull breed. It can ALSO be a Terrier. However, it can NOT be a Pit Bull. The GOVERNMENT chose to label any dog with short fur, a medium to large build, square head and medium length tail as a Pit Bull. Did you catch what I just did by the way? I just named off 4 characteristics in which MOST dogs share. So by that classification, 90% of breeds are Pit Bulls. So uh, JUST STOP SAYING THAT!

There are no bad dogs, just bad owners! 

No, there ARE bad dogs. There are no bad breeds, but there ARE in fact, bad dogs! Now, you CAN blame an owner who's dog was not properly confined during avoidable situations. You CAN blame an owner who hasn't taught their young child proper interactions with ALL dogs of ANY breed. You CAN blame an owner who buys or adopts a dog without researching the breed! You CAN blame owners who buy dogs from back yard breeders that have not done any research themselves or any temperament or health testing! You CAN blame an owner when they buy/adopt a breed labeled as "vicious" and REFUSE to learn what EXPERTS are telling them. That's when you can blame the owner.

It's all in how you raise/train them!

It is NOT all in how an owner raises ANY dog of ANY breed. If a dog was bred to be dog aggressive, HE WILL BE DOG AGGRESSIVE! If a dog was bred to be human aggressive, HE WILL BE HUMAN AGGRESSIVE. You cannot love genetics out of ANY living being. You can train a dog to lie down, roll over, play dead, beg for a cookie etc., but you CANNOT train a dog's instincts out of it! 

Dogs can not SPEAK like humans can. If you're doing something to PISS ME THE HELL OFF, I can warn you that I'm about to flip my shit. A dog cannot speak to warn you of your awaited doom. Not to mention, dogs have the mentality of a young child, no matter it's age. If I were to be a 5 year old child and you were pissing me the hell off, I would slap the shit out of you. A dog will just bite the shit out of you. It's really no DIFFERENT! 

I was raised with Pits, my kids were raised with Pits, they wouldn't harm a fly!

Well, for starters, any dog AND cat I have ever owned loved to chase any insect with wings. *sigh* Maybe it was MY fault for training them to be aggressive. *sigh* GTFO! If you were raised with Pit Bulls, you would KNOW they can tear a fly the F up! They don't love your kitty, Mr. Snuggles or your 5 pound Chihuahua, Mr. Peanut! They want to KILL Mr. Snuggles and Mr. Peanut. If your "Pit" loves other animals, then your "Pit" is NOT A PIT! Pit Bulls aren't snuggle buddies with other animals. Do they snuggle with humans? OF COURSE they can! They aren't human aggressive, they are ANIMAL aggressive. 

Dogs aren't humans! They cannot decipher right from wrong. They are a domesticated wild animal! Any dog, of any breed, of any upbringing CAN and WILL bite given the right circumstances. It isn't Rocket Science, but it IS basic Science! Nurture versus Nature has an ENTIRE chapter dedicated to it in primary, middle, and high school Science books. 

My Pit Bull was a bait dog! / Don't give your puppy away for free, he can be used as a bait dog!

No the hell it wasn't. ANY dog of ANY breed can get into a fight and be physically scarred for life. Just because a dog has scars, does not mean it involved fighting of any kind. Not to mention, "bait dog" was started by animal rights activist and the ASPCA. No dogman of ANY importance have ever documented using dogs or other animals as bait. The ASPCA has helped to promote this ignorance to keep from having owners constantly re-home their mutts for them to eventually end up in their shelter. Thus, making their jobs harder. Every time this "bait dog" myth gets thrown around, that just gives ideas to unorganized, underground, street dog fighters. If you repeat myths enough, it CAN and WILL become a reality to IDIOTS who don't know any better. 

My Pit Bull rescue was trained to fight!

No the hell he wasn't. Wrapping this back into the bait dog myth... Fighters CONDITION dogs to fight. Conditioning a dog is not training a dog to be aggressive so he/she can fight. Conditioning a dog gets them in top, physical condition so they can compete for the fight and conquer their opponent. They were BRED to fight. If they DON'T fight, they will not later be used as bait. It. is. a. MYTH.

My 120 pound blue Pit Bull rescue was a fighting dog!

Again, no he wasn't! One, I have yet to see a blue Pit Bull throughout my entire years of living who didn't have a questionable pedigree. Two, NOBODY WILL USE A 120 POUND DOG TO FIGHT. Your 120 pound "blue Pit Bull" would keel over from physical exhaustion within the first 22 seconds. 

I love my Pibble, Pitty, Pitt, Pitbull, Pibb, Pib, Pit, Pit Bull Terrier, Pitbull Terrier!

No the heck you don't. No owner of an American Pit Bull Terrier would call their dog ANY of the aforementioned names. They just wouldn't. Not only does it piss APBT owners off when you call your dog this, but you shouldn't be calling your MUTT any variation of them. Your dog is a mutt! No lineage = MUTT. Mutt = NOT A BAD WORD!

I read this article on Goo...

STOP RIGHT THERE! You BETTER not even begin to quote an article found on Google if you're speaking to me. Google LIES. Google is NOT your friend. The internet can be manipulated. ANYBODY CAN WRITE ANYTHING THEY WANT ON IT! The internet has done NOTHING but hurt this breed.

I have a rednose/bluenose Pit!

We've already determined blue Pit Bulls are pretty much extinct. Bluenose and Rednose are terms created by back yard breeders to sell their puppies for higher price tags. Bluenose/Rednose/Dotnose/Blacknose/NoseNose etc. are NOT a type of Pit Bull or a Pit Bull bloodline. Old Family Red Nose is a STRAIN off of a bloodline, but MOST APBT fanciers and owners laugh at OFRD dogs the way they do at American Bullies. OFRD was BELIEVED by MANY to be crossed with another breed and only done so for looks. So, uh, even if you have LINEAGE proving OFRD, I wouldn't even admit that to a dogman. 

I rescue Pit Bulls so I think I....

Yes, you were indeed cut off again because.... No, no the heck you don't rescue Pit Bulls. You rescue mutts. You rescue mutts who would be discriminated against due to BSL because you continue to mislabel, but you do not rescue Pit Bulls. You never have, and you never will. Kay? OKAY! So no, you don't know crap about Pit Bulls. Rescuing, donating time, supplies, and money to a shelter does NOT make you an expert. It doesn't. Point Blank. Experts are knowledgeable. You just THINK you are knowledgeable about the breed. When in fact, you don't even know what a Pit Bull looks like.

I have a rare Pit!

What the heck is a rare Pit? You have a mutt. If you have papers, you most likely have a Bully being Pit Bull owners and breeders know there is nothing rare about one of their dogs. Any Pit Bull owner would know there is no "rare" Pit Bull. Unless you have a blue Pit Bull, you have nothing of the rarity.

I don't have a normal Pit Bull, I have a bigger bred Pit Bull!

Oh my! No, you don't!  You have a MUTT! Pit Bulls will NEVER be big. Pit Bulls will NEVER weigh 120 pounds. They will never weigh 90 pounds. You're really pushing it if it weighs 70 pounds. I mean, PUSH-ING IT-UH! Most Pit Bulls never exceed 50 pounds. 50 pounds is really pushing it for a Pit Bull as well. Can Pit Bulls be more than 50 pounds? Of course they can. However, they are exceptions to the breed. The breed was bred for performance. The breed is STILL bred for performance. Since they never were and still aren't bred for looks, you can have slight variations in the breed and the different bloodlines.

Don't feel bad, life is a learning experience. If you want to know more about Pit Bulls, just stick around. If you want to make a difference and help your dog from being discriminated against, stick around. First things first though, if you don't have any papers on your dog or you rescued it from the shelter, start calling it a mutt immediately. Educate your family and friends. Education is KEY to help put an end to BSL. 

August 11, 2015

American Bullies Are Not Pit Bulls

They are their OWN breed!!!
Let's talk bloodlines.

Since when did a cross bred dog become a purebred dog? Just because American Bullies originated from American Pit Bull Terriers and American Staffordshire Terriers does NOT mean they're Pit Bulls. First of all, The American Staffordshire Terrier isn't a Pit Bull. Therefore making the cross between the two a mixed breed with a hung pedigree. Dave Wilson has openly ADMITTED to crossing the two breeds together to be less DA and give it more size. It wasn't selectively breeding a Pit Bull. The bloodline he created by breeding the two is what we all know today as Razor Edge. Razor Edge was NEVER a purebred APBT bloodline. 

Tony Moore produced "Notorious Juan Gotty" which was later bought by Richard Barajas. Jaun Gotty's registered name is Notorious Juan Gotty (with a "y"). Over the years, it was somehow changed to Gotti (with an "i"). I don't know. These folks is just cray cray. Some say it was the registry's fault for misspelling the name, while others say it just changed over the years. ANYWAY... I wouldn't consider Tony Moore or Richard Barajas to be a "game changer" like Dave Wilson and others. Dave Wilson created mixed dogs to create a new breed. However, don't get it twisted. Dave Wilson wasn't the first and only breeder who helped to create American Bullies. He is however, the most noted breeder. Tony and Richard just bought a dog while the "game" was being "changed". Looking back through Gotty's pedigree, his ancestors do not hold true to APBT standards. Therefore, Gotty/Gotti was not the "game changer", but rather just a popular dog because his owner put forth the effort and time to get him noticed. 

Who's to actually say Juan Gotty wasn't a product of hung papers? Nobody will ever actually know. Anyway, basically, Juan Gotty is the reason the American Bully has a bloodline named Gotti.

Back on subject...

Eventually Razor Edge dogs were bred to Gotti dogs. Gotti dogs had a much larger build than Razor Edge dogs to begin with. Gotti dogs were (most still are) shorter and wider than Edge dogs. I've yet to see an American Bully with only Edge or Gotti. A lot of breeders say "Oh my dog is Edge top and bottom". Meaning, their dog doesn't have an Gotti in it's pedigree. Bullllllll Crapppp. Just because the pedigree doesn't have Gottiline's *insert name here*, doesn't mean those dogs are only Edge. My own personal opinion, I think American Bullies get their size from Gottiline.

Razor Edge and Gotti are considered foundation bloodlines... Even though Razor Edge wasn't the beginning of the breed and Juan Gotty/Gotti wasn't the first bred American Bully, Gotty/Gotti and Edge dogs were the biggest "Bully Movement". DAX, Miagi, Remy, Iron Cross, Camelot etc. are strains of Gotti and Edge. Gotti and Edge will always be the foundation bloodlines in which American Bullies will always consist of. Unless their papers are hung..............

So, in conclusion, Edge and Gotti were NEVER American Pit Bull Terrier or American Staffordshire Terrier bloodlines. No breeder of game dogs would even consider TOUCHING an Edge or Gotti dog. Therefore, Edge and Gotti will never make it's way back in as APBT bloodlines. They are neither APBTs or ASTs. They are American Bullies. 

My reason for making this post. FACEBOOK OF COURSE! One guy, like hundreds of other unknowing owners, asked what kind of Bully/Pit his dog was and what bloodline he was. Well, for starters, you can't look at a dog and tell it's breed let alone it's bloodlines. So the good ole' Razor Edge; Pit Bull VS American Bully bloodline started. 

I stated the facts I have reiterated above. Somehow, it got turned into an argument saying I was incorrect because I said Edge was created when the APBT and AST were crossed. So in THEIR mind, they think that means it is an APBT ANNNNND AST bloodline. NO BITCH! People  knew what Dave Wilson was doing. People who wanted to stay true to either breed had nothing to do with him. Therefore, THE BLOODLINES NEVER BECAME A BLOODLINE FOR ANYTHING OTHER THAN THE AMERICAN BULLY. If an AST or APBT was registered with Dave Wilson's kennel name, RAZOR EDGE, breeders who weren't apart of the Bully Movement would not breed to his dogs. It's. That. Simple.

Edge was started by crossing two established breeds together. Those dogs were no longer Pit Bulls or Am Staffs. They were Pit Bull/Am Staff mix. That ISN'T A breed. A breed is a pure dog. A mixed breed is not pure! It really isn't THAT hard to follow. After generations of breeding the mixed breed dogs the same way to have them remain CONSISTENT, it became a new breed. Thus, the American Bully. Who woulddathunk?

Ugh, I swear. Folks! Please!!!! PLEASE stop using google as a way to get your information. 

Also, before you jump on a Facebook post to call somebody ignorant, PLEASE know and understand the meaning of ignorance.

One is not ignorant because they have said something you disagree with. Lack of knowledge makes one ignorant. Using expletives does not make one ignorant. Lack of knowledge makes on ignorant. Knowing MORE than you does not make one ignorant. Lack of knowledge makes one ignorant. LACK. OF. KNOWLEDGE. = IGNORANCE!

August 07, 2015

We Need to Put a Stop to Breeding

Breeding really should be banned, if they're not breeding with ethics.

Purebred dogs with papers can end up in shelters. Just because a dog has papers doesn't mean it was bred by a reputable breeder who follows breeding ethics set by reputable registries. 

We shouldn't ban breeding all together, we need to ban breeding mutts. There is not a single reason as to why mutts should reproduce. Reputable breeders do not breed mutts. 

( Mutt - a dog of unknown lineage )

How do you know if a breeder is reputable?

First things first they're the realesttt. No, really though, they are the only ones who should be breeding. The REAL first thing first is, do they have papers from a reputable dog registry? If the answer is "No", walk away. If they DO in fact have papers from a reputable registry, you may proceed......... With caution!

Have they used any labels that would be considered a back yard breeder term? 

Examples of a back yard breeder term who claims to have "Pit Bulls" are of the following:

Bluenose, Rednose, Gatormouth, Gotti, Razer Edge, XL Pit Bull, XXL Pit Bull, Block Head etc. (These are the most common I have seen and heard)

First of all, if a breeder claims to have a Pit Bull or Pit Bull puppies for sale, they are not Pit Bulls if they have used any of the aforementioned bloodlines or "types".
A breeder of Pit Bulls know the only type of Pit Bull is a Pit Bull. I have recited this many times throughout this blog. The American Pit Bull Terrier is the only Pit Bull. Therefore, a Pit Bull is the only type of Pit Bull. Just as the Jack Russell Terrier is the only Jack Russell. They can both be classified as Terriers, but no other breeds can be called Pit Bulls or Jack Russells.

Basically, if a breeder is calling a dog something of ignorance (lack of knowledge), do not continue any further with said breeder. 

On to temperament...

A dog evolves into their temperament. The majority of puppies are energetic, happy, playful, loving etc. However, all human babies cry when they're hungry. As adults, they no longer cry. They become evil. At least I do. BASICALLY I am trying to tell you, a reputable breeder will wait until the dog is an adult to breed. Human brains do not stop developing until the age of 25. Dogs are not mentally or physically matured until 2 to 3 years of age. An owner (especially a breeder) will notice once a dog has become fully matured based off of it's actions. 

If you breed a male at 8 months of age, they can prove to be unstable later on in life. Temperament is another genetic trait passed down into future generations. Shyness, aggressiveness, fearfulness, dog aggression etc. can not be nurtured out of a dog. If a dog was never dog aggressive until it turned 2 or 3, it is because it has now fully matured into the dog it was always meant to be. Dog aggression will always be okay within some breeds. Just as animal aggression in general will always be an acceptable trait. Human aggression however, is NOT okay. If a dog is aggressive towards humans, first you need to try and give it a soft cull (spay or neuter). If the soft cull has no effect on the dog's aggressiveness, it needs to be put to sleep.

With that being said, waiting until the dog is age appropriate is crucial when it comes to temperament. A dog should be temperament tested by a certified dog trainer who will give unbiased results. If in doubt, ask for the trainer's name and contact information. You should then research the trainer. By breeding a dog who isn't at full maturity can be dangerous, especially depending on the breed. 

On to health....

No dog alive should be bred until it is at least 2 years of age. I'm sure you're asking why I have came up with that loony idea. Well, it really isn't a loony idea, it is again, science. Orthopedic Foundation for Animals or OFA, is a MUST when it comes to responsible breeding. All breeds are predisposed to different health problems. Large to giant breeds, especially German Shepherds, are known for having hip-dysplasia. By having a dog tested through OFA, it cannot promise the dog does not carry the genetic trait. However. it can give you an idea of the likeliness of said dog developing the genetic trait later on in life. If said dog's chances of developing any type of dysplasia is relevant, it shouldn't be bred. 

You can go directly to CLICK HERE DAMMIT  to check on a certain breed and see what their statistics are. Ask the breeder for proof of OFA testings. If the breeder is not willing to show you, it is time to walk away. You should not be spending money on a new dog or puppy for it to cost you thousands in healthcare when it was completely unavoidable. If I know a breeder does not OFA test, I know I will not use that breeder.

On to conformation...

Are you buying a puppy because you want it to look a certain way? Just because a dog doesn't look identical to the ones you searched on google doesn't mean it is mixed with something. It doesn't? Uh.... Nooo. A dog can be 10000000000% purebred and not fit breed standards. However, a reputable breeder will not breed a dog if it does not meet the breed's conformation and temperament standards.

Ask to see the dam (puppy's mom) in person. If a breeder is not willing to let you come to their house, they need to at least be willing to show you videos. Some people are sketchy, so I do not hold a breeder a fault for not disclosing their location. Take a good look at the dam. Does she physically meet breed standards? If she does, move on to the sire (puppy's dad). Some breeders will use a stud which belongs to another person. However, reputable breeders will use a stud that also meets breed standards. If the sire also fits breed standards, you may continue.

If either the dam or sire do not meet breed standards, do not buy a puppy from them. Just because the sire and dam meet breed standards does not mean all puppies from the litter will meet the standard. However, you have a better chance of your puppy being your dream "google image" with both parents being conformationally correct.

Moving on to reasoning... 

Why does the breeder breed? Do they think their dog is pretty? Do they like puppy breath? Do they just like the breed? If that is their only answer, walk away.

A reputable breeder will ONLY breed for a purpose. There are MANY different purposes for breeding dogs. However, if the main purpose isn't to better the breed, walk away. A reputable breeder will only breed dogs who fit conformation standards, temperament standards, health standards, etc. Whether the purpose of their breeding be for show or work, they will always need a reason behind it. That reason should be to better the breed. 

If you breed mutts, you cannot better any breeds. You can only better pure breeds. There is literally no conformation a mutt should follow. Therefore, mutts should not be bred. Breeding mutts literally kills dogs world wide. Chances of a back yard breeder's dog ending up in a shelter is statistically higher than that of a reputable breeder. 

How many litters does the breeder have annually?

If a breeder has one stud to 10 females, there should be major red flags. If a breeder is using their dog's to pay bills, walk away. Reputable breeders can put upward 10 thousand dollars into one litter. This can be between healthcare, food, shots, appointments, stud fees, testings, shows, training etc. A breeder will usually shoot for recouping the amount of money they have spent to care for the litter. If a breeder is selling a puppy for 2500 dollars because they spent 2500 dollars on the dam or sire, walk away. Breeding shouldn't be considered a job, but rather a hobby.

If a breeder has 5, 6, 7, 11, 15 litters a year, you should look elsewhere. Back yard breeders see their dogs as cash cows. If a breeder has 2 litters in the same year with the same female, look elsewhere. Again, the dog is being seen as a cash cow. It is detrimental to the dam's health if she is being bred back to back.

Overall, a lot more goes into breeding than just somebody who likes puppies. Of course you should look for a breeder who loves and cares for their dogs. However, loving and caring for a dog does not make a breeder. A lot of time, money, and research goes into being a reputable breeder. Not every person will have what it takes to be a good breeder.

We need to fight to put an end to back yard breeding. Shelters are not overrun with reputable breeders productions. Shelters are overrun with unwanted mutts who were sadly produced by back yard breeders. An accidental breeding makes one a back yard breeder as well.

Stay away from pet stores! Pet stores are nothing more than puppy peddlers who buy out a whole litter from puppy mills and commercial breeders. Stick with a breeder who breeds one breed. Breeding is literally a full-time hobby. Breeders learn something new every day. A good breeder will stick to one, maybe two, breeds. Not all breeds are the same. Breeders cannot know the main things to know about 10 different breeds. Not to mention, it is typically illegal to own more than 4 domesticated animals in one household unless they're under the age of 6 months. 

Do your research before purchasing a puppy. If you are not willing to put in the research to find a reputable breeder, adopt a deserving dog or puppy from your local shelter or a rescue. Purchasing puppies from back yard breeders will give them more momentum to continue to destroy breeds.