August 13, 2015

Things TRUE Pit Bull Owners NEED You to Stop Saying

You're only hurting the breed by saying these MYTHS!!!

Pit Bulls were once called nanny dogs!

No, they weren't. Until a dog can cook dinner, scrub a toilet, change a diaper, give a bath, rock a baby to sleep, and do things HUMANS do, no dog will EVER be a nanny dog. The nanny dog myth was connected to the Staffordshire Bull Terrier by breeders to get the negative stigma away from them being pit dogs. There is not a single dog in history that has ever interviewed to be a live in babysitter. Point blank! That's all there is to it. It was a LIE!!!!!!!

Pit Bull is a group of dogs!

No, there is only one Pit Bull, the American Pit Bull Terrier. No other breed has the words "Pit" and "Bull" used together in it. So a Bull Terrier can not be a Pit Bull. It can be a Bull breed. It can ALSO be a Terrier. However, it can NOT be a Pit Bull. The GOVERNMENT chose to label any dog with short fur, a medium to large build, square head and medium length tail as a Pit Bull. Did you catch what I just did by the way? I just named off 4 characteristics in which MOST dogs share. So by that classification, 90% of breeds are Pit Bulls. So uh, JUST STOP SAYING THAT!

There are no bad dogs, just bad owners! 

No, there ARE bad dogs. There are no bad breeds, but there ARE in fact, bad dogs! Now, you CAN blame an owner who's dog was not properly confined during avoidable situations. You CAN blame an owner who hasn't taught their young child proper interactions with ALL dogs of ANY breed. You CAN blame an owner who buys or adopts a dog without researching the breed! You CAN blame owners who buy dogs from back yard breeders that have not done any research themselves or any temperament or health testing! You CAN blame an owner when they buy/adopt a breed labeled as "vicious" and REFUSE to learn what EXPERTS are telling them. That's when you can blame the owner.

It's all in how you raise/train them!

It is NOT all in how an owner raises ANY dog of ANY breed. If a dog was bred to be dog aggressive, HE WILL BE DOG AGGRESSIVE! If a dog was bred to be human aggressive, HE WILL BE HUMAN AGGRESSIVE. You cannot love genetics out of ANY living being. You can train a dog to lie down, roll over, play dead, beg for a cookie etc., but you CANNOT train a dog's instincts out of it! 

Dogs can not SPEAK like humans can. If you're doing something to PISS ME THE HELL OFF, I can warn you that I'm about to flip my shit. A dog cannot speak to warn you of your awaited doom. Not to mention, dogs have the mentality of a young child, no matter it's age. If I were to be a 5 year old child and you were pissing me the hell off, I would slap the shit out of you. A dog will just bite the shit out of you. It's really no DIFFERENT! 

I was raised with Pits, my kids were raised with Pits, they wouldn't harm a fly!

Well, for starters, any dog AND cat I have ever owned loved to chase any insect with wings. *sigh* Maybe it was MY fault for training them to be aggressive. *sigh* GTFO! If you were raised with Pit Bulls, you would KNOW they can tear a fly the F up! They don't love your kitty, Mr. Snuggles or your 5 pound Chihuahua, Mr. Peanut! They want to KILL Mr. Snuggles and Mr. Peanut. If your "Pit" loves other animals, then your "Pit" is NOT A PIT! Pit Bulls aren't snuggle buddies with other animals. Do they snuggle with humans? OF COURSE they can! They aren't human aggressive, they are ANIMAL aggressive. 

Dogs aren't humans! They cannot decipher right from wrong. They are a domesticated wild animal! Any dog, of any breed, of any upbringing CAN and WILL bite given the right circumstances. It isn't Rocket Science, but it IS basic Science! Nurture versus Nature has an ENTIRE chapter dedicated to it in primary, middle, and high school Science books. 

My Pit Bull was a bait dog! / Don't give your puppy away for free, he can be used as a bait dog!

No the hell it wasn't. ANY dog of ANY breed can get into a fight and be physically scarred for life. Just because a dog has scars, does not mean it involved fighting of any kind. Not to mention, "bait dog" was started by animal rights activist and the ASPCA. No dogman of ANY importance have ever documented using dogs or other animals as bait. The ASPCA has helped to promote this ignorance to keep from having owners constantly re-home their mutts for them to eventually end up in their shelter. Thus, making their jobs harder. Every time this "bait dog" myth gets thrown around, that just gives ideas to unorganized, underground, street dog fighters. If you repeat myths enough, it CAN and WILL become a reality to IDIOTS who don't know any better. 

My Pit Bull rescue was trained to fight!

No the hell he wasn't. Wrapping this back into the bait dog myth... Fighters CONDITION dogs to fight. Conditioning a dog is not training a dog to be aggressive so he/she can fight. Conditioning a dog gets them in top, physical condition so they can compete for the fight and conquer their opponent. They were BRED to fight. If they DON'T fight, they will not later be used as bait. It. is. a. MYTH.

My 120 pound blue Pit Bull rescue was a fighting dog!

Again, no he wasn't! One, I have yet to see a blue Pit Bull throughout my entire years of living who didn't have a questionable pedigree. Two, NOBODY WILL USE A 120 POUND DOG TO FIGHT. Your 120 pound "blue Pit Bull" would keel over from physical exhaustion within the first 22 seconds. 

I love my Pibble, Pitty, Pitt, Pitbull, Pibb, Pib, Pit, Pit Bull Terrier, Pitbull Terrier!

No the heck you don't. No owner of an American Pit Bull Terrier would call their dog ANY of the aforementioned names. They just wouldn't. Not only does it piss APBT owners off when you call your dog this, but you shouldn't be calling your MUTT any variation of them. Your dog is a mutt! No lineage = MUTT. Mutt = NOT A BAD WORD!

I read this article on Goo...

STOP RIGHT THERE! You BETTER not even begin to quote an article found on Google if you're speaking to me. Google LIES. Google is NOT your friend. The internet can be manipulated. ANYBODY CAN WRITE ANYTHING THEY WANT ON IT! The internet has done NOTHING but hurt this breed.

I have a rednose/bluenose Pit!

We've already determined blue Pit Bulls are pretty much extinct. Bluenose and Rednose are terms created by back yard breeders to sell their puppies for higher price tags. Bluenose/Rednose/Dotnose/Blacknose/NoseNose etc. are NOT a type of Pit Bull or a Pit Bull bloodline. Old Family Red Nose is a STRAIN off of a bloodline, but MOST APBT fanciers and owners laugh at OFRD dogs the way they do at American Bullies. OFRD was BELIEVED by MANY to be crossed with another breed and only done so for looks. So, uh, even if you have LINEAGE proving OFRD, I wouldn't even admit that to a dogman. 

I rescue Pit Bulls so I think I....

Yes, you were indeed cut off again because.... No, no the heck you don't rescue Pit Bulls. You rescue mutts. You rescue mutts who would be discriminated against due to BSL because you continue to mislabel, but you do not rescue Pit Bulls. You never have, and you never will. Kay? OKAY! So no, you don't know crap about Pit Bulls. Rescuing, donating time, supplies, and money to a shelter does NOT make you an expert. It doesn't. Point Blank. Experts are knowledgeable. You just THINK you are knowledgeable about the breed. When in fact, you don't even know what a Pit Bull looks like.

I have a rare Pit!

What the heck is a rare Pit? You have a mutt. If you have papers, you most likely have a Bully being Pit Bull owners and breeders know there is nothing rare about one of their dogs. Any Pit Bull owner would know there is no "rare" Pit Bull. Unless you have a blue Pit Bull, you have nothing of the rarity.

I don't have a normal Pit Bull, I have a bigger bred Pit Bull!

Oh my! No, you don't!  You have a MUTT! Pit Bulls will NEVER be big. Pit Bulls will NEVER weigh 120 pounds. They will never weigh 90 pounds. You're really pushing it if it weighs 70 pounds. I mean, PUSH-ING IT-UH! Most Pit Bulls never exceed 50 pounds. 50 pounds is really pushing it for a Pit Bull as well. Can Pit Bulls be more than 50 pounds? Of course they can. However, they are exceptions to the breed. The breed was bred for performance. The breed is STILL bred for performance. Since they never were and still aren't bred for looks, you can have slight variations in the breed and the different bloodlines.

Don't feel bad, life is a learning experience. If you want to know more about Pit Bulls, just stick around. If you want to make a difference and help your dog from being discriminated against, stick around. First things first though, if you don't have any papers on your dog or you rescued it from the shelter, start calling it a mutt immediately. Educate your family and friends. Education is KEY to help put an end to BSL. 

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