August 01, 2015

Picture of American Pit Bull Terriers (The Only Pit Bull)

Look at these bulky thangs

A lot of people have their lives turned upside down when they find out their beloved mutt isn't really a Pit Bull. To help them realize they wouldn't know what a Pit Bull was if it smacked them in the face, I often show MeMes and pictures to help them understand. Here are amazing examples of what adult and some young Pit Bulls look like. While you check out these amazing pictures, notice none of these dogs are blue in color. I have yet to find a blue American Pit Bull Terrier.

Not everyone will agree with me when I say these are some of the most beautiful dogs in the world. They aren't fat and lazy like the Bull breed mixes most claim to own. They are athletic and in better shape of more than 90% (average statistic) of the human population. They're amazing. By looking at the bodies of these dogs, you can understand why Pit Bulls are not meant for everyone. They need hours of agility, exercise, and training a day. A walk around the block will not even begin to satisfy their need for exercise. They are truly a one of a kind breed. 

This is the breed I fight for on a daily basis. This is the breed I live and breathe. This is the breed that so many people think they own but have no clue what it is like to own one. They are a workout indeed. They are extremely animal aggressive and there is no way you will ever be able to breed that out of them without adding in another breed. They don't get along with your cat and snuggle with your new 8 week old puppy on the couch. It just doesn't happen. Accept the breed as they are and help to separate them from false statistics.

1 comment:

  1. all of these dogs are fucking great. i keep my mutts in the house and my bulldogs outside. i love both equally for different reasons. AND NO GUYS THESE DOGS ARE NOT UNDERFED
