September 06, 2015

Grain Allergies in Pit Bulls

GAHHHH! Go to the vet!!!

Pit Bulls are not known for grain allergies! Mutts who are mislabeled as Pit Bulls are known for grain allergies! Bull breeds in general are known for grain allergies. However, grain allergies aren't just limited to Bull breeds. All breeds can be prone to grain allergies. 

If you own a dog, no matter the breed, STOP ASKING THE INTERNET FOR MEDICAL ADVICE! I literally see a picture on Facebook 10 times a day with dogs, especially puppies, who have a rash on the underside of their belly. What do the owners do? They go straight to Facebook to ask what it is. Why? Why can't you just take your dog to the vet if you're worried enough to ask? I highly doubt you will find a single vet on a group intended for selling dogs. It just won't happen. Of course you will have the large number of "veterinary assistants" who will pop up with their two cents. That doesn't necessarily mean they know what the hell they're talking about. 

I see these pictures nearly 70 times a week. Out of the 70 times I see this weekly, everyone has nearly 100 different answers. "Oh, it's a rash, I'm vet assistant." "My dog had that too, it's canine herpes." AHHHH MUH GAWWWWWDUH! It gets so annoying. Out of 20 thousand PLUS members, you're telling me you haven't seen this this question asked 7,849 times before you you have decided to ask?!?!

If you don't know for sure what is medically wrong with your dog, take it to the vet. If you can't afford to take your dog to the vet, you need to reevaluate being responsible for another living, breathing being. The "rash" on your dog's belly can be a multitude of things to include but not limited to;

  • Mange
  • Food allergies
  • Seasonal allergies
  • Dirty living environments 
  • Urine
  • Feces
  • Fleas
  • Ringworm 
  • Grooming products
  • Stress
  • Seasonal changes (extreme moist or dry weather)
  • Metabolic issues
  • Hormonal issues
  • Underlying skin disease
  • Reaction to household cleaning supplies
  • Lime disease 
The list goes on. and on. and on. and on. and on. and on. So, next time, go directly to your vet. Nobody on Facebook can virtually reach through the computer/phone/tablet and scrape your dog's skin to test it. YES! You need a skin scrape performed to test it out! 

Part of owning an animal is being educated enough to know when to take it in to be evaluated by a professional. Everybody comes up on hard times. I understand that. Nobody is discrediting you of the love you have for your animal. Just as children, dogs did not choose to live with you. Of course humans come before dogs, but if you are willing to take your human child to the ER for every little cough, you should be willing to take your animal to the vet every time it has a potentially life-threatening disease.

Next time you see an owner asking for medical advice on the internet, be sure to throw out all of different issues it could be. Advocate for responsible ownership!

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